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How to Confirm Whether Sperm went Inside

How to confirm whether sperm went inside

How to confirm whether sperm went inside: increased vaginal discharge, morning sickness, a missed period, a pregnancy test, or a fertility tracking app.

Whether you’re trying to get pregnant or avoid getting pregnant the biology of sex is still uncomfortable and misunderstood subject full of myths. The topic of how to confirm whether sperm went inside arises despite the fact that everyone is aware of how egg fertilization results in pregnancy.

So, if you are sexually active or engaged in intercourse, then it is important to understand the mechanism of sex and how to prevent an unwanted pregnancy. So today in this article, we will see various methods to confirm whether sperm went inside and what to do if you suspect sperm has entered your body.

Table of Contents

How Sperm Travels

A man experiences orgasm by ejaculating semen through his penis, which causes cum in the vagina.

But before we discuss how to confirm whether sperm went inside the vagina, let us understand how sperm travels.

During ejaculation, millions of sperm cells are released, which enter the vagina through the fallopian tube.

Sperm can survive in the female reproductive tract for up to five days, and if an egg is present, the sperm cell can fertilize the egg, resulting in pregnancy.

However, not every sperm cell can fertilize the egg. Some sperm cells die or get trapped in the cervical mucus. It is important to note that pre-ejaculation can also lead to sperm entry inside the vagina and can cause pregnancy.

Therefore, during unprotected sex, if the penis enters the vagina and a man ejaculates, it is certain that the sperm has penetrated the woman’s body.

Because sperm entering a woman’s vagina can result in an unwanted pregnancy, many women prefer to have self-sex as well. Learn how to use a vibrator to practice this as well.

You can use a pregnancy test to determine whether sperm entered your body.

How to Confirm Whether Sperm Went Inside Your Vagina

how to confirm whether sperm went inside


While having intercourse with your partner, there are chances that some sperm, known as pre-sperm, may leak from your penis.

After all, a single sperm cell is all that is required to fertilize an egg. Even if you pull out before the climax, you will still deposit sperm in her vagina.

Sometimes ejaculation occurs inside the vagina and sometimes outside. Then how to confirm whether sperm went inside or not?

1. Broken condoms

Broken condoms can also be considered a sign of sperm entering the female’s body. Your condom can tear during vaginal sex due to excessive friction, insufficient lubrication, or contact with a sharp edge. When ejaculation occurs, the condom may sometimes break inside, which can allow sperm to get inside the body.

2. Preejaculation

When a man is excited, his penis exudes pre-ejaculate. The fluid that is ejected before ejaculation is referred to as “pre-ejaculate.”

The pre-ejaculate, which is ejected before the cum, serves the primary purpose of lubricating and balancing the urethra’s acidity to ensure that the sperm have a clean passage.

Pre-ejaculation can also allow sperm to go inside, as both partners are not prepared for the insemination, and when the semen gets ejaculated before the time, it may increase the chances of sperm entering the body.

3. Anal-Sex

The paths for anal sex and vaginal sex are totally different, but while having anal sex without protection, if the semen is released nearby your vaginal area, then there might be a possibility of getting sperm to enter inside you.

Moreover, the chances of getting sperm inside you while having anal sex are very low, but you should still be extra cautious.

4. Sex toys 

A small amount of sperm and semen may be left on the sex toys if you use them during sexual activity.

If you use these sex objects inside or close to your vagina, then for sure sperm will enter inside you, and if there’s no involvement of a male partner or ejaculation of semen while using any of the sex toys, then there’s no chance of sperm entering the body.

5. Check for Physical Signs

Check for any physical signs of sperm around your vaginal area or on the bed sheets after sex. If you see any sperm, then there is a chance that sperm entered your vagina.

6. Pregnancy Test

If you have missed your period or experienced any symptoms of pregnancy, then consider using a home pregnancy test to confirm whether the sperm entered the vagina to fertilize the egg.

7. Fertility Tracking App

Using a fertility tracking app can help you know whether sperm has entered the vagina. This app helps to track menstrual cycles, basal body temperature, ovulation, and other fertility-related information to confirm sperm entry.

8. Consult a Doctor

If you are experiencing any unusual symptoms like spotting, cramping, or other pregnancy symptoms, then consult a doctor. A doctor can check or perform the necessary pregnancy test to confirm whether sperm went inside.

How Does Your Body Feel after Sperm Enters?

When sperm is released on a female body [usually inside or near the vagina], it is fluid and can be thick or thin in consistency.

But when it enters your body, very negligible differences can be observed. Vaginal cramps, irritation, or itchiness are reported by only a small percentage of females.

These can only be felt if the partner ejaculates frequently. If the ejaculation is minimal, then it might be possible that the female partner will not feel anything.

Read More: First-time Sex Pregnancy Changes in Women

How Many Drops of Sperm Do You Need to Get Pregnant?

It makes no difference how much sperm or serum entered your vagina. Pregnancy is possible with only one sperm that fertilizes the egg.

The sperm of a fertile male contains an average of about 20 million sperm per milliliter. And if a man is healthy, he releases about 40 million sperm per ejaculation.

Not all sperm survive to reach the uterus and make you pregnant.

How Long Can Sperm Be Detected?

Ejaculated sperm can survive in the female reproductive system for several days. Fertilization is feasible for as long as the sperm survives—up to five days.

 The life of sperm inside a female’s body is entirely dependent on the sperm’s quality and the female’s internal condition.

But on average, sperm inside a female’s reproductive tract can be detected for five days only; in some cases, it is also found until the seventh day.

Also Read: Does Female Masturbation Cause Infertility?

How to Stop Sperm from Reaching the Egg?

Some people may want to remove the sperm from their vagina after sex for hygiene reasons or to try to avoid conceiving. 

There is, however, no scientifically established mechanism to remove semen once it penetrates the cervix via the vaginal canal.

You can have oral sex instead of vaginal sex and use male or female condoms to protect yourself.

9 Signs Sperm Entered Your Body

how to confirm whether sperm went inside

Below are the few symptoms which are considered to be initial signs to confirm whether sperm went inside your body.

Although the symptoms can vary from female to female, there are several early signs that are common.

While most women do not notice symptoms until 2 weeks or later (after missing their period), some women do notice symptoms as early as 6–10 days after conception. So here they are:

1. Increased vaginal discharge

After intercourse, your body may experience an increase in vaginal discharge. The vaginal discharge may increase in consistency. If the discharge appears clear or white and sticky or sleepy in consistency, then it could be a sign that sperm has entered the body.

2. Change in Cervical Mucus

During ovulation, cervical mucus becomes thin and slippery to allow sperm to swim through it easily. If you observe changes in the consistency or texture of cervical mucus, then there is a chance sperm have entered the body.

3. Mild Cramping

You may experience cramping after sexual intercourse. This may be a sign of sperm entering your vagina.

4. Spotting or light bleeding

You may experience light bleeding or spotting after intercourse due to irritation of the cervix during sex. This can be a sign sperm has entered the body.

5. Morning sickness

If you have morning sickness, there is a chance that sperm has entered your body.

Morning sickness, which is characterized by nausea and vomiting, is a common early pregnancy symptom that occurs 8–10 days after the sperm enters your body.

6. Sperm Leakage

When sperm enters the vagina, only a few sperm cells enter the fallopian tube to fertilize the egg, and the rest of the sperm comes out of the vagina.

So, if your partner ejaculates sperm inside you and those sperm come out, there is a chance that some of the sperm has entered the body, which can result in pregnancy.

7. Missed period or Delayed Period

If your partner is sexually active and has missed her period, sperm may have entered the body. Menstruation occurs when the egg is released and the sperm has not fertilized the egg.

If the sperm has fertilized the egg, it results in a missed or delayed period.

8. Fatigue

Your body begins to show signs of fatigue in the early stages of pregnancy, usually after 8–10 days.

These include morning sickness, nausea, headaches, and vomiting.

The hormonal changes that occur due to fertilization lead to fatigue.

9. Pregnancy

If the sperm reaches the egg and fertilization occur, pregnancy results. This is a clear indication that the sperm went inside your body.

Read More: Natural Remedies for Vaginal Dryness

What To Do If You Suspect Sperm Has Entered Your Body

If you had unprotected sex and want to avoid pregnancy, or if you suspect the sperm has entered your body, then you can use some of these methods:

1. Use of Emergency Contraceptives

You can use emergency contraceptive pills up to 72 hours after unprotected sex to avoid egg fertilization and unwanted pregnancy. However, emergency contraception is not 100 percent effective and should not be used as a regular form of contraception.

2. Use of Reliable Contraceptives

Use some reliable contraception methods like condoms, birth control pills, or IUDs to prevent fertilization of the egg and pregnancy.

3. Monitor your Menstrual Cycle

If you are regularly on your period, then monitor your menstrual cycle to determine if you have ovulated. If you have a delayed or missed period, take a pregnancy test to confirm your pregnancy.

4. See the Doctor

If you experience some early pregnancy symptoms and doubt if sperm has entered the body, then consult your doctor for possible options and treatment plans.

How Long Should You Keep Sperm Inside To Get Pregnant?

Sperm can stay alive from an hour to 48 hours in the female’s body.

But without proper fertile conditions, sperm may die and a female will not get pregnant.

It is really important to confirm that if ejaculation takes place inside or outside the body, you can get pregnant or not.

Can You Still Get Pregnant if the Sperm Comes Out?

Yes, if the semen is released inside the vagina and then flows out of it, then there are chances of getting pregnant.

Moreover, if any area of the vagina or vaginal canal came into contact with sperm or semen, then there is a possibility of getting pregnant.

So if you’re planning to start a family, then try ejaculation inside the vagina, and if not, withdraw your penis before ejaculation.

Can A little Bit of Sperm Cause Pregnancy?

Yes, single sperm is only needed for fertilization. 

You might have heard males release millions of sperm in the female’s body, but biologically only one sperm is needed to make a female pregnant.

How Does Sperm Go into the Female Body?

When a male ejaculates semen into the vagina, some of the semen gets deposited in the vaginal canal and the rest of them moves forward through the cervix then it enters the uterus, and then meets the eggs at the fallopian tube to turn the pregnancy test positive.

Risks Associated With Sperm Entering The Body

Whenever you engage in sexual activity with your partner, you should always use protection to avoid any risk that can occur when sperm enters the body.

1. Pregnancy

When sperm enters the body and fertilizes the egg, it can cause pregnancy. If you are not ready to conceive, then you may be worried about the unwanted outcomes.

2. Sexually Transmitted Diseases

If your partner has STIs and you had unprotected sex, there is a chance that it could transmit the disease through sperm. Therefore, it is important to use protection at the time of intercourse to prevent STIs.

3. Allergic Reaction

Sometimes your body may experience some allergic reactions from sperm, including symptoms such as itching, irritation, and swelling.

4. Psychological Effects

If sperm enters your body, it can cause psychological effects like stress or anxiety. So it is important to talk to your partner about sexual comfort.

How Long Does It Take to Get Pregnant?

The time it takes to get pregnant depends on several factors, such as age, health, time of ovulation, and frequency of sexual intercourse. According to research, 90% of couples will get pregnant within the first year if they engage in regular sex without using contraceptives.

Also, women become less fertile as they age, and it may take a longer time to conceive.

According to the study, women who have no fertility issues have a 20% chance of conceiving in the first month of trying and an 85% chance of conceiving within 12 months of trying.

What is the Best Time Morning or Night to Conceive?

There is no such thing as the best time, like morning or evening, to conceive. Rather, what is important is the time of ovulation in your menstrual cycle. The best time to conceive is the few days leading up to ovulation or the day of ovulation itself.

However, it is true that some studies suggest that sperm count and fertility are slightly higher in the morning. But the most important factor that matters is the fertile window, which varies from woman to woman but usually occurs on day 14 of the 28-day menstrual cycle.

Can You Increase the Chances of the Sperm Entering the Body?

After ejaculating, the woman might stay on her back with her hips slightly lifted. As a result, the sperm has more time to enter the body while in the vagina.

After ejaculating, refrain from wiping or cleansing your vagina it will reduce the chances of sperm entering your vagina.

Signs Your Partner Didn’t Pull Out In Time

The pull-out technique is frequently used by couples to stop sperm from entering the woman’s body. This approach does not, however, guarantee that sperm will not penetrate the woman’s body.

If you felt that your partner didn’t pull out and he was on an extreme level of orgasm, then he may have ejaculated inside you.

Even if you believe your partner will pull out after ejaculations, you should be aware that premature ejaculations, which result in sperm inside you prior to the climax or actual ejaculations, can occur. 

If you’re having unprotected sex, then there are high chances that the pull-out method or withdrawal method will not work as one may not have control over this. 

There are a few minor things that will clear up the fact that your partner didn’t pull out in time, like:

  • You found semen near your vagina.
  • You may feel irritation and itchiness inside your vagina.
  • When the person with a penis does not move away at the time of pre-ejaculation.

What are the Earliest Signs of Pregnancy?

Although it may appear strange, your first week of pregnancy is determined by the date of your last menstrual period. 

Even if you weren’t pregnant at the time, your last menstrual cycle is considered week 1 of pregnancy. 

The first day of your last menstruation is used to calculate the expected delivery date. As a result, you may not have symptoms during the first few weeks of your 40-week pregnancy.

If you are pregnant, you may notice early symptoms such as:

  • Faster heartbeat
  • Nausea
  • Weakness
  • Back pain
  • Dizziness
  • Tender breast
  • Mood swings
  • Frequent urination
  • Changes in body temperature
  • Bloating
  • Motion sickness
  • Acne
  • Changes in nappe
  • Heartburn

What Kills Sperm in the Female Body?

Only spermicide or contraceptives can kill sperm inside the female body.

If you’re trying to kill the sperm with the help of any food products then it is not possible.

Food that Kills Sperm in the Female Body?

There’s no specific food available that can kill sperm inside the female body.

You can try period-inducing fruits and herbs, but that doesn’t give a 100% guarantee, and the possibility of killing sperm is very low.

This can only be done with the help of contraceptives.


Even after two or three days, it is impossible to feel the fertilization process. 

However, some women claim to be able to feel the implantation process, in which the fertilized egg travels down the fallopian tube and attaches itself to the uterine walls. 

You can not feel fertilization, but we have discussed enough regarding how to confirm whether sperm is inside. 

We have provided you with a crystal clear insight into context with “how to confirm whether sperm went inside” and now you can read and observe bodily changes and will get to know whether it went or not and frame your decision accordingly.


1. Why does Sperm come out hours later?

This is normal because when there is a lot of ejaculation, some of the sperm gets deposited at the beginning of the vagina and comes out hours later.

2. Can sperm come out of you the next day?

Sperm can survive in the vagina for up to seven days. There is no scientifically confirmed way to remove sperm once it has entered the uterus. 

Some fluid may flow out of the vagina between a few minutes and several hours or the next day after sexual activity. It sometimes comes out when you clean up your vagina after intercourse.

3. Is one-time sperm enough for pregnancy?

There’s no concept of one-time sperm. One sperm is needed for fertilization, and if the egg gets that, boom, you’re pregnant.

When ejaculation occurs inside the body, millions of sperm are inside the semen, but only one sperm, which is the healthiest and most viable one, can reach out to the egg.

4. How long can sperm live inside you to get pregnant?

The average life span of sperm is of 72hours but due to the internal condition of a female’s body, it can sustain for five days inside the body and can get you pregnant.

5. How many attempts does it take to get pregnant?

Only one attempt with the right timing of ejaculation inside the female reproductive organs is enough to get pregnant.

6. Can you feel the sperm and egg meet?

You can imagine things like this, and that is quite funny and interesting, but I’m sorry it’s impossible to feel sperm and egg meet.

7. Can sperm survive in urine?

Urine affects sperm motility as urine contains nitrogenous components that slow down the motion of sperm which will eventually lead to the death of sperm.

8. How do I know if my egg is fertilized?

You can check out or observe the abovementioned signs of early pregnancy, or visit a doctor for clear confirmation. Or you can have a pregnancy test if you’ve missed your period because fertilization means pregnancy.

9. Can you feel pregnant after 2 days?

No, early signs of pregnancy start to appear after a week or a couple of weeks, so you can not feel pregnant or observe any early signs of pregnancy after 2 days.

10. How to get sperm into Cervix?

Sperm must be able to enter the cervix via the cervical mucus due to their swimming ability. Nothing about the sexual act will assist the sperm in penetrating the cervix. 

They must just swim into the mucus on their own, which involves a lot of synchronized, cooperative action on their part.


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  • Mausam Mangalam

    A dietitian and nutritionist who enjoys writing and eating. My goal is to help people feel as good as they look through healthy lifestyle changes focusing on nutrition, diet planning, advanced dietetics, female hygiene, and health.