Dhanurasana (Bow Pose)-19 Amazing Health Benefits and Steps User-agent: * Disallow: /wp-admin/ Allow: /wp-admin/admin-ajax.php Sitemap: https://smartfitnessaura.com/sitemap_index.xml

Dhanurasana (Bow Pose)– Health Benefits of “The Back Bending Asana”

What is Dhanurasana?

Dhanurasana is named for the bow-like shape in which the body assumes while practicing it. Dhanu is the Sanskrit word for bow, while asana is the Sanskrit word for stance or position. Dhanurasana is a wonderful yoga position that stretches and activates nearly all of the body’s major muscle groups, including the forearms, shoulders, back, biceps, triceps, stomach (abs), hamstrings, chest, hips, legs, and spine. It’s a fantastic backbend for opening up the entire body.



Dhanurasana Benefits

1. The yoga pose Dhanurasana strengthens the legs, buttocks, spine, back muscles, shoulders, and neck, among other things.

2. The abdomen, lungs, and thyroid are all stretched and strengthened in the dhanurasana pose.

 3. When we perform bow pose it promotes hormone regulation by the pituitary gland and regulates the hypothalamus.

4. Dhanurasana is a yoga pose that can help you lose fat around your stomach, waist, and hips.

5. The reproductive organs are stimulated by this yoga pose.

6. Renal (kidney) problems benefit from this yoga position.

7. Dhanurasana Yoga’s stance might help you get rid of tiredness and lethargy.

8. This yoga pose increases blood circulation in the body and keeps our skin tight and helps in reversing aging processes like fine lines and puffiness.

9. The yoga pose Dhanurasana can help you lose overall body weight.

10. This Yoga position improves digestion and increases appetite.

11. This Yoga pose is beneficial for treating gastritis, heartburn, rheumatism, and gastrointestinal issues.

12. This Yoga position strengthens the tendons & ligaments in the legs and arms.

13. Constipation can be relieved with this Yoga posture.

14. The spine turned out to be quite flexible after performing this Yoga stance.

15. This Yoga position alleviates irregular menstrual cycles.

16. Dhanurasana improves renal and liver function.

17. This Yoga pose helps to improve your overall posture.

18. Asthma, a respiratory ailment, is cured by this Yoga position.

19. The posture of dhanurasana is good for diabetics.

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Dhanurasana Preparatory Poses

Keep in mind when you do Dhanurasana poses at least 4-5 hours afterward your major meals. If you are unable to do so at that time, incorporate it into your evening practice. Before you do dhanurasana, make sure you’ve warmed up properly with the preparatory positions which are mentioned below:-

1. Bhujangasana:- Cobra Pose, also known as Bhujangasana in Sanskrit, combats weariness and cures lower back pain by creating a conscious opening in the chest and stretch in the shoulders. It also boosts both the energetic and physical bodies.

Contraindicated in patients and Cautionary Statements are mentioned below:-

  • Injury to the back
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) (It’s a medical condition that affects the hand, it restricts blood flow in the fingers and sometimes symptoms also include unresponsive nerves at the tip of fingers) so an individual who has CTS is not advised to perform this back bending asana.
  • Headache


2. Salabhasana– or Locust Pose, strengthens the back of the body, legs, and arms, preparing beginners for deeper backbends.

Contraindications and Cautionary Statements include:-

  • Migraine
  • Spinal ailment [severe state]


3. Setu Bandha Sarvangasana– also commonly known as bridge pose.

Bridge Pose can be energetic, revitalizing, or wonderfully soothing, depending on your needs.

Health is benefitted in following ways:-

  • Stretches the chest, shoulder, and back of the body.
  • Stimulates the stomach, lungs, and thyroid.
  • Legs are revitalized.
  • Enhances metabolism
  • In some females, it has also proven effect during menstrual ailments like muscle cramps, backaches.
  • Stress, weariness, discomfort, headache, and sleeplessness are all reduced.
  • Asthma, hypertension, osteoporosis, arthritis, and sinusitis are all treated with this yogic Stance.


4. Supta Virasana[The reclining hero stance/ lay vajarasna]:-To increase the stretch in the thighs and ankles, lie back in Virasana. Avoid this posture until you have the guidance of a professional trainer if you have any major spinal, knee, or ankle injuries.

 Therapeutic Benefits are as follows:-

  • Arthritis -Asthma
  • Diarrhea
  • Digestive issues
  • Flat feet
  • Headache
  • Blood pressure that is too high
  • Infertility
  • Insomnia
  • Acidity and gas in the intestine
  • Menstrual annoyance
  • Ailments of the lungs


5. Urdhva Mukha Svanasana:– It is also popularly known as upward-facing dog stance.

  • Back injury is one of the contraindications and cautions.
  • If you have a headache avoid practicing it.
  •  Say no to practicing this stance during Pregnancy to avoid complications.


Benefit Includes:-

  • Enhances posture
  • The spine, arms, and wrists are all strengthened.
  • Stretches the chest and lungs, as well as the shoulders and abdomen.
  • It tones the lower pelvic muscles.
  • It regulates the proper functioning of the internal organs of the stomach.
  • Aids in the treatment of mild depression, tiredness, and sciatica.
  • Treatment for asthma



How to do Dhanurasana Step by Step

STEPS1:-Lie down on your belly, palms facing upward, with your hands beside your spine and your feet hip-width spread / apart in opposite directions.

STEP 2:- Inhale deeply and slowly lift your feet away from your hips, folding your knees and holding your ankles. Maintain hip-width spacing between your feet.

STEP 3:-Keep your head straight and your face relaxed. With the belly flattened on the floor, breathing will be difficult.

STEP 4:-Take a deep breath [inhale] and fill your chest with air but do not hold the breath as it can cause choking or suffocation.

STEP 5:-Maintain a stable breathing pattern and be in the posture for a longer time[ as much as you can] do not try to perform in some other position.

STEP 6:– As you exhale, let go and lie gently for a few moments. The stance can be repeated once or twice but don’t force yourself, only practice for more than one time if you’re comfortable.


Dhanurasana Variations or Modification

Dhanurasana has five variations, in which steps are somewhere alike but effects on health are a little bit different. so let’s discuss the modifications of dhanurasana:-

1. Bow Pose Rocking Variation:-Bow Pose Rocking Variation can be added to inflow yoga practices to enhance energy & endurance levels in the body. Bow Stance Rocking Variation is a warm-up yoga pose that allows the body to prepare for more challenging yoga poses. It provides strengthening to the tissues and muscles of the lower, middle, upper back, pelvis, and thigh.

2. Both Hand One Legged Big Toe Bow Pose:- It is an intermediate-level yoga pose that is performed in the prone position. Both Hand One Legged Big Toe Bow Pose additionally involves back-bend, Stretch. Quadriceps, hips, pelvic, biceps, triceps muscles are benefited from this stance.

3. Hidden Lotus Pose Hands Hips Aerial:-It is also practiced in prone posture and involves bending, stretching & balancing. It prepares the body for intense workouts like squats. It is extremely helpful in toning pelvic & upper thigh muscles.

4. Easy Bow Pose Hips Floor Hands Aerial:- Just like both hand one-legged big toe pose it is also performed in a prone position. Anatomically it shows a positive effect on upper-middle back muscle and shoulder muscle.

5. Supported Bow Pose Chair Pose Partner:– It is also known as “ Ardha- dhanurasana” in which “ardh means – half or incomplete”. While performing this stance a partner is required for support .partner will hold your shoulder to maintain the right position. Assisted[supported] Bow Pose Chair Pose Partner can be found in a variety of yoga sequences, including:

  • Yoga routines for two people
  • Yoga routines for teenagers


Dhanurasana for Beginner

For a beginner, steps will be the same for performing it. The only thing which a beginner is supposed to keep in mind is to don’t force yourself if you’re feeling pain or your body part is not allowed to bend as per the given instructions. With time the body will attain flexibility. It is advised to place a mat or cloth below the legs or nearby thigh area to support the body. Do not practice for a longer period at the initial stage. Slowly and slowly increase your performance duration.


How to Improve Dhanurasana

Some tips for improvement are mentioned below:-

  • Include warm-up
  • Maintain regular breathing
  • Do not force yourself
  • Look at the tip of the nose to maintain the right posture
  • Try to hold your feet properly i.e. maintain proper grip


Precautions While Performing Dhanurasana

  • If you have a neck or lower back injury, avoid this asana.
  • If you’ve just had abdominal surgery, you shouldn’t do this asana.
  • If you have high blood pressure, ulcers, migraines, headaches, or a hernia, you should avoid this asana.
  • This yogic pose should not be performed by expecting females.


Dhanurasana is popularly known as bow posture/pose because of its shape. Its name is derived from an ancient Indian weapon –“dhanus” means” bow”. It has proven positive effects on health like strengthening muscles, regulating blood circulation, weight loss, calmness, flexibility, constipation, hepatic ailments, reproductive health, and many more. It includes five preparatory poses like Bhujangasana, Salabhasana, Setu Bandha Sarvangasana, Supta Virasana Urdhva Mukha Svanasana .

You can learn in detail about the preparatory posture which has been already discussed above. It comprises various steps to perform. It is not advised to stress yourself out if you’re a beginner. Do not perform Dhanurasana if you’ve head injuries, migraine, spinal ache, ulcers, hernia, or just had abdominal surgery or during pregnancy. Always warm up and maintain regular breathing before initiating this yogic practice. We should practice it daily for better results.




1. How much time should we do Dhanurasana?

Stay in bow position for at least twenty to thirty seconds at the initial stage then slowly increase time to fifty seconds to a minute. As you exhale, let go and lie quietly for a few moments. The pose can be repeated once or twice more.

2. Who should not do Dhanurasana?

An individual suffering from back/spinal ache, the injury just had abdominal surgery, high blood pressure, ulcers, migraines, headaches, hernia, and especially pregnant women should avoid practicing it.

3. Does Dhanurasana reduce belly fat?

Dhanurasana aids in the reduction of belly fat and helps reduce waist fat. It also gives the spine, thighs, arms, and torso [central part of chest] a wonderful stretch. This stance also helps to improve your overall body posture. It can help you effortlessly shed and burn body fat if you perform it daily. 

4. Does Dhanurasana reduce back fat?

Dhanurasana works great for reducing back fat and relieving aches and pains. It entails bending the body into an arch to resemble a bow. This stance not only helps with fat loss, but also helps with congestion, gastrointestinal problems, and anxiety.

5. Why should we do Dhanurasana?

We should do it as it has immense health benefits like Stretches the whole front part of the body, including the ankles, thighs, and pelvises, as well as the abdomen, chest, and throat, as well as spine and pelvic bone, Back muscles are strengthened, Enhances posture, Stimulates the abdominal and neck organs and many more which you can read above in this article.

6. Is Dhanurasana difficult?

Initially, an individual may feel difficulty in performing. But after practicing regularly you’ll not find any difficulty. As performing bow poses has immense health benefits so it is advised by professionals to include this asana in your daily routine.


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