Halasana (Blow Pose)-16 Benefits, Instructions and Variations User-agent: * Disallow: /wp-admin/ Allow: /wp-admin/admin-ajax.php Sitemap: https://smartfitnessaura.com/sitemap_index.xml

Halasana [Plow Pose] – Benefits and Steps to do it Effectively


The term Halasana is made up of two words, the first one is “Hal” which means plow, and the second one is “asana” which means posture or yogic pose. And its name is also derived from the Indian agricultural tool “hal “which has a bent – inverted like structure that is used for plowing. Halasana is also known as plow pose. Practicing plow pose provides numerous health benefits which you’ll read later in this article.

Halasana Yoga Benefits

 1. Halasana calms the brain and aids in the recovery of mental clarity after illnesses.

 2. It stimulates the gastrointestinal organs, relieves congestion, and helps with digestive issues.

 3. It helps with weight loss by regulating metabolism.

 4. kidney, spleen, and pancreas organs are activated after plow pose yoga and their functioning rate also gets improved and increased.

 5. Halasana Serves to maintain the back supple and strong by stretching the shoulders and spine.

 6. Halasana reduces backaches, muscle cramps, and back and spinal osteoarthritis.

7. The reversal of blood flow keeps the skin nourished and youthful.

8. Beneficial for women with reproductive difficulties like menstrual ailments, infertility, etc.

9. Helps to relieve weariness and improves vitality and self-esteem.

10. Relieves anxiety attacks, improper cardiac palpitations, and breathing difficulty.

11. Pneumonia, coughing, bronchitis, colds, and constipation are all relieved.

12. Helps in regulating high blood pressure. People with hypertension should perform 4 sets of Halasana for 3 minutes daily to fight hypertension.

13. When performed with legs separated, it aids in the treatment of hernias and hemorrhoids.

14. If Halasana is done with arms and interlaced fingers stretched towards the legs, it reduces discomfort or cramping in the fingertips, forearms, elbows, wrists, and lower back.

15. Performing Halasana increases blood flow in the body.

16. It improves the health of the abdominal organs and thyroid gland.


Halasana Position

Halasana possesses a supine body position while performing it which means the spine will be touching toward the ground and the face should be upward. It is one of the most popular yoga positions practiced widely in India and some other countries too. Halasana’s position can be easily explained as’’ someone is tugging/pulling your legs in the opposite direction of your hips and your hands are in the other direction lying on the ground”. 

In this position, your legs are towards your head. This position is not advisable to perform without proper practice as it can lead to a neck injury and body pain. The body needs to be flexible to perform this. At the initial stage nobody is perfect to perform a plow pose but being consistent and with regular practice; one can perform this. 

One should not try all the variations at the initial stage nor perform a plow pose for a longer duration. Take extra precautions of your neck and lower spine, and only acquire this position if you are comfy and feel pain in any part of the body. Generally, it is advised to be performed at the end after all the yogic exercises.


How to do Halasana Step by Step



Following are the below-mentioned steps to perform plow pose:-

STEP 1: Stand Straight

STEP 2: Then lie on the ground, keep your body & mind in a calm state

STEP 3: Keep your palm facing towards the ground, legs straight, keep your body straight and try to maintain a good body posture while lying

STEP 4: Take slow breathe

STEP 5: If you’re a beginner then with the help of your hand gently move your leg off upwards and if you can do without the help of your hand then also you have to do the same. Maintain the position of the leg straight and perpendicular [90 ⊥] to the ground.

STEP 6: Slowly press your palms, with the strength of your arms try to raise your hips, start rolling your spines till your toes touch the ground. Do not force yourself if you’re unable to touch the ground initially just don’t forget to keep your legs straight.

STEP 7: Try to maintain a straight posture of your spines. If you’re a beginner then you can use your hand to support spines.

STEP 8: Slowly bring your both hands facing towards each other then interlock them.

STEP 9: Keep your hand like this for a few seconds.

STEP 10: Slowly release your body, start bringing your legs back to their original position.

STEP 11: As you’re in a completely straight position lying on the ground try to relax and inhale and exhale.


Practice 3 sets for 2-3 minutes, try to maintain the gap between each set of Halasana, don’t force yourself, Never try to push your body out of your flexibility capacity, or else you’ll face spinal pain, muscle cramps, etc.


Halasana Variations

Variations are listed below:-

Halasana posture must be performed with the feet on the floor. Perform Halasana, keeping your hands on your back. With an exhalation, walk your feet to one side to the extent that you easily can. One hip or the other may sink toward the floor, so attempt to keep the pelvis in a somewhat nonpartisan position, hips corresponding to the floor. 

Hold for 30 seconds to 1 moment, then, at that point breathe in the feet back to focus. Take 2 or 3 breaths, then, at that point breathe out the feet to one side for a similar period, return to focus, and deliver Halasana.

Bat Pose AerialIt involves inversion, Forward-Bend, Stretch, and Strength. It’s an aerial yogic posture that helps in muscle strengthening. It is also known as the” Vampire” yogic posture. In this aerial pose, an individual is hanged with the help of a cloth or sleeping bag kind of thing and their legs and hands are tied with that cloth. The face is toward the ground and the back is toward the ceiling. The person who regularly performs bat pose aerial can fight spinal pain and shoulder ache. Avoid performing if you’re already suffering from a major neck or back injury.

Half plow poses:- In this variation of Halasana, an individual has to balance the head on the ground then gently lift your leg, and then bend inward toward the wall for balancing. Touch your feet to the wall and then be in this position for 90-120 seconds at the initial stage. You can use your hand nearby spines to support your body. 

Wheel pose /posture flow:- Chakrasana Flow (Wheel Pose Flow) is a Hatha exercise that is not a typical yoga practice. Even though this transitional flow is fast, it is done calmly and gently, with every transition coordinated with the breathing. Chakrasana Flow is primarily a high–intensity resistance & muscular endurance training technique. The frequent repetition of this movement can assist the muscles to prepare for Madalasana (Circle Pose), which also demands stronger neck/back strength and flexibility. Surprisingly, Chakrasana Flow (Wheel Pose Flow) is also practiced in gymnastics.

Reclined Intense Back Stretch Pose:- An difficult posture that extends the legs, pelvis, and shoulders while balancing all of the core muscles. A wonderful stance that teaches you to regulate everything while staying calm and distant from your feelings and experiences. To get the most out of your posture, loosen up your body. However, keep your breathing regulated.

Snail Pose:- Snail Posture is performed by curving the spine, pushing the buttocks upwards, and entering the stance with your hands supporting the hips. In Halasana, the buttocks are elevated further to straighten the legs, and the thighs are lifted and flung behind the head all at once. Snail Pose stretches the entire spine while compressing and activating the inner organs.


Ear pressure posture:– Karna-pidasana, or Ear Pressure stance, is one of the popular variations of Plow Pose. It’s an advanced hip-opening position in which the legs are bent at the kneecap, put on the ends of the corresponding ears, and the feet are maintained together on the floor, derived from Plow Pose. As the name says, the knees positioned close to the ears create a gentle indentation on the ear to assist shut off the sounds around you, gradually turns the practitioner inside. Karna = ‘Ear’ and Pida = ‘Pressure.’


Effect of Halasana

Halasana has an enormously positive effect on the body which has been already discussed above but let’s concise under this sub-category. Halasana expands your vertebrae as well as your spinal erectors, back muscles, strengthening and toning them. Halasana can also help with constipation because it improves digestion. Plow pose permits you to unwind, which assuages pressure and strain, both genuinely and intellectually. 

Practicing plow yogic pose on a daily basis adds on many health benefits but if performed without proper instructions or trainer it can lead to a negative consequence. So better stay calm, relaxed, and gain all the information before practicing.


Precautions While Performing Halasana

  • Do not perform if you’re suffering from Diarrhea:- It is not advised to perform Halasana because when we perform it our intestine and few glands get activated and stimulated and it’s not safe during diarrhea as it increases metabolism and led to excess secretion of enzyme. It can cause sour burp and burning sensation nearby intestinal region.
  • Avoid during menstruation: As during monthly period the female body is already suffering from a lot of health issues like cramps, body tightening, tenderness in the breast, abdominal pain, mood swings, nausea and during this time if someone will perform plow pose it requires a lot of stretching and flexibility, there are chances that it can increase the problem mentioned above. During menstruation there’s a rise in female hormones and excessive exercise can cause fatigue and irritation.
  • No, if you have Neck Injury:– Do not perform if you have neck injury as the neck is an essential body part while performing plow pose and it can cause an excessive rise in pain and inflammation so please avoid neck injury.
  • Can be hazardous for a mother to be:– Pregnancy is a very crucial part of one’s life. A woman is not advised to perform this pose once she has conceived because it can cause deformity to the fetus as well as can be hazardous to the mother. When we turn our leg upward then bend it towards our head it will generate unnecessary pressure on the fetus which can be dreadful to it.



Halasana is also known as plow pose and its name is derived from the name of an Indian agricultural tool. Halasana helps in congestion, digestive ailment, relieves mental stress, anxiety, cough, cold, hypertension, thyroid, and many more. It includes various steps to perform like inhalation, exhalation, stretching, invert bending, etc.

Halasana has variations like vampire pose, ear pressure posture, snail posture which have a very positive effect on health. It is not advised to perform in various conditions like diarrhea, neck injury, menstruation, and mother-to-be. It is recommended to practice for a shorter duration at an initial stage and then gradually increase the performance time.


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