Vajrasana- 20 Amazing Benefits and How to do it Effectively User-agent: * Disallow: /wp-admin/ Allow: /wp-admin/admin-ajax.php Sitemap:

Vajrasana (वज्रासन)- Health Benefits and How to do it step by step


What is Vajrasana?

The term Vajrasana is derived from the Sanskrit word Vajra, which signifies diamond or thunderbolt. This diamond pose is also known as Adamintine Pose. The Vajra Nadi is activated by Vajrasana, which assists metabolism and hepatic function.

It aids in the relief of sciatica, nerve problems, and indigestion, to name a few of its advantages. It impedes blood flow to your thighs and legs because of its location. Oxygenated blood flows to your pelvis and abdomen, resulting in improved bowel movement and absorption.

This yoga pose is one of the rare exceptions to the rule that yoga should be done on an empty belly. After a meal, you can safely execute this asana. It’s even more efficient if you do it right after you eat. This position helps in the digestive process.



Vajrasana Health Benefits

1. By altering blood circulation and nerve conduction in the pelvic region, pelvic muscles.

2. It helps to relieve haemorrhoids and minimizes hernias.

3. It improves overall bowel movement and treats digestive ailments such as acid reflux and peptic ulcers.

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4. Vajrasana yoga pose reduces blood circulation in the genitals and massages nerve endings, causing them to become activated, which is efficacious in the prevention of male sexual organs.

5. It is also good in the case of a gas problem/flatulence.

6. Vajrasana is an excellent meditative pose because it allows the body to be completely relaxed without exerting any effort.

7. For sciatica [Excessive pain in the lower back] sufferers, this is the greatest meditation posture.

8. The yoga pose Vajrasana is good for the body’s endurance and mental calm.

9. Regularly practicing diamond poses will cure all stomach ailments.

10. It is beneficial to women’s issues such as menstruation irregularities.

11. Vajrasana yoga pose improves digestion while also relieving lower back discomfort.

12. In Vajrasana, the body is put into a position that puts pressure on the central area of the body, increasing digesting strength and removing the contrivance.

13. This yoga pose is particularly useful for all those who work by standing the whole day; after a while, knee problems develop. It combines the pressure of the tendons & muscles and decreases it.

14. Diamond pose helps in pacifying breathing ailments.

15. Vajrasana is a yoga pose that engages the calf muscles, pulls them in, and boosts metabolic activity, which aids in losing weight.

16. This yoga pose improves blood circulation, which helps to lower blood pressure.

17. Skin-related disorders are eliminated as a result of the improved body’s metabolism. This position eliminates toxins from the body and skin, leaving the skin gentle, clean, and glowing.

19. Vajrasana pose aids in the stretching of the ankle, buttocks, and knees. As a result, the entire body is toned and the fitness level turned up excellent. Aside from that, this yoga pose has a combination of the health advantages of both exercise and meditation.

20. A being’s emotional swing might be caused by a variety of factors. Vajrasana, which creates positive hormones in the body and aids in keeping a happy mood, keeps the digestive tract healthy.


Vajrasana Position

Vajrasana, as one of the most fundamental asanas, can be done at any time of day, without any Sukshma Vyayam. This is a straightforward seated yoga pose. The thunderbolt posture is beneficial to the abdomen, liver, and uterine. It also helps to support the lower back. 

It also lifts the chest and shoulders, allowing for effortless and flowing breathing patterns during meditation and mindfulness. If your knees are hypersensitive, you might have to alter this pose, but the benefits will remain similar. It can be done practically anywhere, making it a good choice for individuals who practice meditative yoga on the go. Although a yoga mat may provide relaxation and assistance for the thighs, no other device is necessary.



How to do Vajrasana Step by Step

STEP 1: Initiate by sitting/ kneeling in a posture. For more comfort, sit on a yoga mat.

STEP-2: Then, with your weight off your knees, slowly sit back on your thighs.

STEP 3: Maintain a four-finger distance among your legs and sit up straight with your hips lying on your heel. The thighs of both legs must lie on the calves of both feet, and the big toes of both feet should connect.

STEP 4: Put your hands on your knees, maintain your spine upright – straight, and keep your face forward, head upright, and chin parallel to the floor, try to maintain this position.

STEP 5: As you slowly inhale and expel air into and out of your lungs, focus on your breathing.

STEP 6: Be in this posture for 5 to 10 minutes without any disturbances.

STEP 7: Once you are habituated with this pose, then gradually increase the practicing time from 10 minutes to 30 minutes daily.


Vajrasana Variations

Some typical versions of the diamond pose are listed below:-

1. Thunderbolt Pose Hips Circles:– Thunderbolt Pose Hips Circles can be used in stream yoga sequences to assist enhance energy levels in the body. The mid-spine tissues gain from Thunderbolt Pose Hips Circles.

2. Thunderbolt Pose Head Back:- Thunderbolt Pose Head Back is significant to the following muscles and can thus be used in yoga routines focusing on those muscles:

  • Ankles and Feet
  • Knees
  • Neck

Stretch is also involved in Thunderbolt Pose Head Back. It has a positive proven effect on neck injuries.

3. Neutral Spine With 3S Shape:- The upper back muscles are benefited from the Neutral Spine with a 3S Shape. It aids back pain and makes our back pain-free. It also helps in improving postures.

4. Thunderbolt Pose on Toes Shoulder Retraction:– Thunderbolt Pose On Toes Shoulder Retraction is beneficial to the following muscles:- 

  • Ankles and Feet 
  • lower legs
  • Knees

In a kneeling position, Thunderbolt Practice On Toes Shoulder Retraction is a basic level yoga pose. Stretch and strength are also involved in Thunderbolt Pose On Toes Shoulder Retraction.

5. Downward Facing Thunderbolt Pose Aerial:- It is also known as Adho Mukha Vajrasana Aerial in the Sanskrit language. These essential muscles are benefited from Downward Facing Thunderbolt Pose Aerial: 

  • Arms and Shoulders
  • Knees 
  • Lower Back 
  • Upper Back
  • Psoas[Lower back muscles]

Thunderbolt with Downward-Facing Aerial Pose is a basic yoga pose that is done in a seated position. Stretching, Ahead-bending and Endurance are also included.


Vajrasana Time Limit

At the initial stage, it is advised to perform 2-3 minutes, then after continuing practicing for 1 week you’re advised to increase the time to 5-10 minutes then to 20-30 minutes.

It can be performed by anyone, anytime irrespective of their gender & age. Performing this pose reduces constipation and fastens the digestion process.

Precautions While Performing Vajrasana

  • If you do have knee problems from an underlying illness or have just had knee reconstruction/operation/surgery, you should avoid practicing it.
  • It should only be done under the supervision of an expert yoga instructor if you have a hernia or bowel difficulties or better avoid it.
  • This asana should be avoided by people who have back difficulties such as disc prolapsed (slide disc).
  • Vajrasana should be avoided by anyone who has stiffness or any other difficulty with their feet, ankles, or knees.



Vajrasana is a yogic posture popularly known as “ The kneeling asana” as the knee plays a vital role while performing this asana. It is also known as diamond stance, thunderbolt posture, pelvic pose, Adamantine Pose. It is only the yogic posture that exists which is recommended to perform after consuming a meal as it has a positive proven effect on digestive ailments.

Apart from treating digestive problems, our body gets benefited in various other ways as it helps in maintain posture, calmness, hernia, menstruating ailments, lower back pain, neck injury, spinal sprains, minor muscle cramps, removal of toxins, maintenance of skin health, increase hormones levels which makes us happy and keeps our mood cheer up.

Vajrasana pose is ideal for those who need to unwind both their body and mind. It has variants like Thunderbolt Pose Hips Circles, Adho Mukha Vajrasana, and many more which have been already discussed above. 

It is not advised by professionals to practice if you’re suffering from a muscle injury, excessive spinal pain, or suffering from a hernia[ only perform in presence of an expert], stiffness in any part of the body. It should be practiced by everyone for good health just keep the precautionary measures in mind.



1. How long should we sit in Vajrasana?

At the initial stage, it is advised to perform 2-3 minutes, then after continuing practicing for 1 week you’re advised to increase the time to 5-10 minutes then to 20-30 minutes.

2. What is the best time to do Vajrasana?

According to experts, an individual is advised to perform it after consuming a meal.

3. Can I do Vajrasana during the Period?

Yes, you can do that. But please avoid it if you start feeling pain in the lower abdomen or lower back.

4. Does Vajrasana reduce hip fat?

There’s no evidence found that this helps in reducing especially hip fat but for sure it makes the lower back painless, flexible, and helps in the overall weight loss process.

5. Is Vajrasana good for diabetes?

Yes, it helps in proper blood regulation and maintains blood glucose levels by aiding digestive ailments.

6. Is Vajrasana good for Piles?

Yes, Vajrasana enhances blood flow to the lower abdominal region by altering blood circulation and nerve impulses in the pelvic area. It serves as a hernia preventive as well as a means of relieving piles. It improves the overall efficiency of the digestive system, alleviating stomach problems like constipation and peptic ulcers.

7. Who should not do Vajrasana?

Individuals who are suffering from excessive body pain, who have gone through knee operations, pregnant women (always maintain space between both legs to avoid pressure exertion on uterus).

8. Can we do Vajrasana on Bed?

Yes, you can perform it on the bed as it will act somewhere similar to a yoga mat and provide comfort and support to the body (especially feet).

9. Is Vajrasana good for Hair Growth?

Yes, as it treats digestive-related health issues hence it will lead to proper absorption of nutrients which will ultimately lead to a reduction in hair fall.

10. Can I sit in Vajrasana during Pregnancy?

Vajrasana can be done by expectant mothers, however, they should leave greater space between their knees to avoid placing stress on their uterus.


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