Why to Avoid Bananas during Pregnancy? 8 Facts to Know User-agent: * Disallow: /wp-admin/ Allow: /wp-admin/admin-ajax.php Sitemap: https://smartfitnessaura.com/sitemap_index.xml

Why to Avoid Bananas during Pregnancy: 8 Facts to Know

Why to Avoid Bananas during Pregnancy

Why to avoid bananas during pregnancy: High potassium level, Gestational diabetes, Acid reflux, bloating, migraines, Induces sleep, hyperkalemia.

Consuming bananas during pregnancy is generally recommended due to their health benefits. Bananas are rich in vitamins and minerals like potassium, vitamin C, and B vitamins, and they are also rich in digestive fibers.

Pregnant women need to consume more fiber in order to avoid constipation.

But in spite of all the benefits it has to offer, you might have heard at some point, “You should avoid bananas during pregnancy.” Many of you agreed and stopped eating bananas during your pregnancies, but have you ever asked yourself, “Why to avoid bananas during pregnancy?” 

Can I eat banana while pregnant, or

Why banana is bad during pregnancy?

How much banana we can eat a day during pregnancy?

Best time to eat banana during pregnancy?

How to eat banana during pregnancy?

And many more queries must be revolving in your mind. But don’t worry, all your doubts and queries will be sorted out here.

You’ll get nutritionists’ guidance regarding bananas and their consumption during pregnancy.

Table of Contents

8 Reasons Why To Avoid Bananas During Pregnancy

Why to Avoid Banana during Pregnancy

If you’re a soon-to-be mother, you undoubtedly already know how important it is to keep a nutritious diet while pregnant.

After all, your diet has a big influence on your baby’s growth and general health.

Unquestionably loaded with vitamins and nutrients, bananas are a great meal to eat in general but especially during pregnancy.

Bananas are high in chitinase, a common allergen; therefore, this is also a cause for concern.

The latex-fruit condition is related to the chitinase allergen.

Bananas may not be beneficial for you if you have a latex allergy or a negative reaction to fruits that contain them. Check out other reasons “why are bananas bad during pregnancy “? 

1. Very High Potassium Content

The high potassium content of bananas is known to be harmful to pregnant women since it can raise the risk of premature labor and affect the mother’s blood pressure.

A crucial mineral that aids in controlling fluid balance and muscular contractions is potassium.

Yet, pregnant women may have negative effects from excess potassium.

High potassium levels can also raise the chance of preterm labor, which can result in an early birth and other issues.

2. Allergic Reactions in Pregnant Women

Bananas are one of the most prevalent food allergens, so some pregnant women may be more prone to developing sensitivities to them.

When ingesting bananas, pregnant women who have a history of food allergies or sensitivities should take extra precautions because they may be more likely to experience an adverse reaction.

A banana allergy can cause everything from minor symptoms to life-threatening ones. Hives, itching, or even anaphylaxis may result from it.

It is crucial for pregnant women to be aware of the hazards and to steer clear of bananas if they have a known allergy because an allergic reaction to bananas can, in severe situations, be life-threatening.

3. Increased Risk of Gestational diabetes

Due to their high sugar content, bananas may help with the onset of gestational diabetes.

Both the mother and the infant may be in danger from this condition.

When the body is unable to create enough insulin to control blood sugar levels during pregnancy, gestational diabetes develops.

Due to their high sugar content, eating too many bananas can increase your risk of developing gestational diabetes.

4. Risk of Acid reflux

Acid reflux is a known side effect of bananas, which can be especially irritating for pregnant women who already have elevated acid production.

Due to hormonal changes that relax the muscles of the esophagus and stomach and make it simpler for acid to back up into the throat, pregnant women already have an increased risk of acid reflux.

Banana consumption, which can contribute to acid reflux, might exacerbate this issue and make it more painful for expectant mothers.

Read More: Foods for Acid Reflux

5. Bloating in Pregnant Women

Particularly during your first trimester of pregnancy, bloating is awful. It often starts at about 11 weeks and lasts the entire pregnancy.

It is a bothersome, uncomfortable, and improbable pregnancy symptom. Sadly, pregnant women who eat bananas may also experience or trigger bloating.

It frequently affects pregnant women who have digestive problems or aren’t accustomed to eating a lot of fiber.

6. Can Cause Migraines

Amino acids are abundant in bananas. These amino acids are transformed by our bodies into tyramine, a naturally occurring substance that causes migraine symptoms.

Headaches, particularly those brought on by migraines, can be bothersome and dangerous during pregnancy.

7. Induces Sleep

Several studies have demonstrated that eating bananas cause sleepiness.

An important amino acid called “tryptophan” can be found in bananas.

A high tryptophan intake causes blood vessels to expand, which makes people feel sleepy all the time.

Such uneven sleep patterns can be harmful to a mother’s and child’s health since they can cause anxiety, mood swings, stress, and restlessness.

8. Risk of Hyperkalemia During Pregnancy

Potassium, which is abundant in bananas and beneficial to pregnant women and the growing foetus, is a mineral.

Large banana consumption during a hypertonic extracellular fluid compartment may cause mild hyperkalemia.

Although a lot depends on a female’s weight and overall health, estimates for the quantity of potassium required to trigger hyperkalemia range greatly, but you should set the upper safe level of banana consumption during pregnancy to prevent this situation.

What Does a Banana Do to the Baby in the Womb?

Bananas have vitamin B6, iron, and folic acid, which are very important for a baby’s brain and other neural development.

Not only the brain it also promotes the development of the spinal cord.

Calcium, which is essential for both the mother’s and the baby’s bone development, is found in abundance in bananas.

Including this fruit in your pregnancy diet will be extremely beneficial since calcium is needed for the body to control muscular contraction.

Also Read: Can cinnamon cause a miscarriage

Benefits of Eating Bananas During Pregnancy

Why to Avoid Banana during Pregnancy

We have discussed “why to avoid bananas during pregnancy? But we all know bananas are a very nutritious fruit that has tonnes of health benefits.

So now we’ll deal with the benefits of eating bananas during pregnancy.

Bananas can help a pregnant woman in several ways when ingested in the appropriate amounts.

If you are not allergic to bananas or have a weak digestive system, bananas can be quite helpful to pregnant women.

Bananas must be avoided by people with excessive potassium levels or kidney issues, as they make it difficult for potassium to be removed from the body.

A high potassium intake can have a negative impact on your heart. Please consult your dietitian before including bananas in your diet.

Are bananas healthy for pregnant women? Certainly, it is because, when ingested in the proper quantity, it offers a variety of health benefits.

1. Ease the Digestion Process

Sure, when eaten in the proper quantity, bananas can help with digestion. They are simple to assimilate and can aid in preventing bloating and other typical digestive problems during pregnancy.

They are also a good source of dietary fiber, which facilitates digestion and helps control bowel motions.

Fructo-oligosaccharides, a probiotic that supports good bacteria in the digestive tract, are found in bananas.

These beneficial microorganisms support digestion. Please refrain from eating too many or unripe bananas to avoid constipation and bloating.

If you eat too many bananas, they can counteract their own health benefits.

2. Helps in Fetal Growth

The B vitamin folic acid, which is essential for the growth of the neural tube and other embryonic structures, is also present in bananas in significant amounts.

Folic acid consumption should be enough before and during the first trimester of pregnancy to help avoid neural tube abnormalities in the growing foetus.

Bananas can help to ensure that the mother is getting enough folic acid to support good foetal growth when they are included in a healthy pregnancy diet.

3. Aids in Morning Sickness

Bananas include vitamin B6 which is known to reduce morning sickness symptoms.

An early morning banana snack can help with nausea and vomiting.

This is due to the critical role that vitamin B6 plays in the fetus’s nervous system development, particularly during the first trimester.

Also, it aids in the production of neurotransmitters that can lessen the effects of morning sickness.

4. Regulates Blood Pressure

The potassium in bananas aids in controlling fluid balance and muscular contractions.

A healthy blood pressure can be maintained throughout pregnancy with the help of the proper potassium intake, which is crucial because hypertension or high blood pressure can raise the risk of preeclampsia and other issues.

Moreover, potassium is crucial for the healthy operation of the heart and muscles.

5. Good Sources of Energy

The banana is regarded as one of the list’s revitalizing fruits. It has an abundance of energy. 100gm of bananas have 1.gm protein, 0.3gm fats, 0.8gm minerals, 27.2g carbohydrate and 116kcal energy.

Healthy Ways to Eat Bananas during Pregnancy

Bananas can be incorporated into your pregnancy diet in one or more of the ways listed below.

1. Banana Smoothie

A fantastic method to get fruit in your diet while pregnant is to drink a smoothie or milkshake made with bananas. Make a delightful smoothie by blending a ripe banana, some strawberries, cashew, nuts, milk, and jaggery powder.

2. Banana Oatmeal

Mix yogurt with some diced bananas, oatmeal, and nuts like almonds. It is suitable for breakfast. Oatmeal with bananas is rich in minerals, carbs, and fiber and can help you feel more energized.

3. Crispy Banana Chips

When you have a hankering for a snack, you can indulge in banana chips throughout pregnancy. Banana chips, meanwhile, are typically salted and deep-fried. Instead of frying, use low sodium salt and bake for a healthier, oil-free alternative.

4. Whole Fruit

Just consume the entire banana if you don’t want to prepare anything. Eating the fruit whole will provide you with the greatest health benefits.

5. Custard

 You can add bananas to custard along with other fruits to enjoy its taste and goodness. 

Precautions While Eating Bananas During pregnancy

In general, eating a banana while pregnant is considered to be as safe. When introducing bananas into your diet, there are a few things to take into account, which are listed below:

  1. Go for ripe bananas over unripe ones, as ripe bananas are easier to digest during pregnancy and on normal days.
  2. When preparing any dish out of bananas avoid adding sugar as the banana itself of ample amount of sugar. 
  3. Avoid consuming bananas that are too ripe or have turned black.
  4. After consulting a doctor, it is usually preferable for a pregnant lady to include bananas in her diet.
  5. Women with allergies or gestational diabetes should definitely see a doctor.

Are Craving Bananas During Pregnancy Indicative Of Baby Gender?

It has long been an urban legend that consuming bananas prior to conception can boost the likelihood of having a son. And other expectant mothers-to-be will stop eating fruit completely if it means getting a girl.

Most people attribute it, like many similar anecdotes, to insane women spreading tales that the generation before them, and the one before them, and so on, told.

Nonetheless, a study revealed that there might be some validity to the quip.

Researchers polled 740 women during their first pregnancy and discovered that those who consumed more potassium had a higher likelihood of giving birth to a son.

Best Fruits to Eat During Pregnancy

The majority of your diet should consist of fruits, which also provide nutrients for the mother and the developing baby through their high vitamin, fiber, and mineral content. Fruits include several essential nutrients and can benefit both you and the unborn child in the following ways:

  • Fruits give newborns vital nutrients including beta carotene, which supports the growth of tissue and cells as well as the development of a stronger immune system.
  • Fruits include vitamin C, which is essential for the growth of a baby’s teeth and bones. Also, it is crucial that the body receive appropriate levels of this vitamin because it aids in the body’s ability to absorb iron, a vital element needed during pregnancy.
  • Fruits high in fiber assist with constipation and hemorrhoids whereas fruits high in iron help prevent anemia.
  • The fluid and electrolyte balance in your body’s cells depends on potassium. Pregnancy leg cramps are frequent, but they can be lessened by getting adequate potassium.

Here are some best fruits which you can enjoy during pregnancy:-

  • Banana
  • Apple
  • Kiwi
  • Guava
  • Pear
  • Custard apple
  • Litchi
  • Berries
  • Strawberries
  • Mango
  • Oranges
  • Sapodilla [chiku]
  • Watermelon

Which 3 Fruits Must Be Avoided During Pregnancy?

Although the majority of fruits are nutrient-dense, black grapes, papaya, and pineapple should be avoided during pregnancy for the following reasons:

1. Papaya

Unripe or semi-ripe papayas’ latex content can cause uterine contractions and early labor. Don’t consume them when pregnant.

2. Black Grapes

Steer clear of black grapes during the first trimester since they can induce body heat that could harm the unborn child. But if you take dried black raisins in moderation, they can help with constipation that happens in the early days of pregnancy.

3. Pineapple

The bromelain found in pineapples has the potential to soften the cervix and bring on early labor.

Vegetables To Avoid During Pregnancy

To ensure that you and your baby are receiving the nutrients you require, it’s crucial to eat healthfully throughout this time. Nonetheless, several vegetables should be avoided by expectant mothers. This is due to the possibility that they contain toxic substances that could be damaging to you and your unborn child. We will list some of the vegetables to avoid when pregnant in this blog post.

1. Green grams or Mung beans

A common form of legume in Asian cooking is mung beans.

There are some potential hazards involved with eating them, even though they are typically thought to be safe for pregnant women to ingest.

Saponins, a class of chemicals that can upset the stomach, are present in mung beans.

The digestive tract can get irritated by saponins, which can result in nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea. Mung beans also contain phytoestrogens.

These plant-based substances may interfere with hormone levels and mimic the effects of estrogen in the body.

2. Raw Radish

Pregnant women should avoid eating raw radishes because they may contain dangerous bacteria that might make them sick. It is better to boil your radishes before eating them if you are expecting mom.

3. Mercury-rich Vegetables

The element mercury can be detrimental to both the mother and the unborn child.

While some vegetables also contain high levels of mercury, some fish do.

Leafy greens like spinach and Swiss chard, as well as root vegetables like sweet potatoes and carrots, are examples of vegetables that are rich in mercury.

Women who are pregnant should minimize their consumption of these foods.

4. Nitrates and Nitrite-rich Vegetables

Another form of toxin that can be damaging to the mother and the unborn child is nitrate.

Beets, celery, and lettuce are a few vegetables that have a lot of nitrates in them.

Women who are pregnant should minimize their consumption of these foods.

5. Gas-forming vegetables Should be Avoided

Broccoli and cabbage are two veggies that can be challenging for the body to digest.

For pregnant women, this may result in gas and bloating, which can be painful.

These vegetables should not be consumed by pregnant women.

Best Time To Eat Fruits During Pregnancy

Some people claim that eating fruits is best done in the morning.

Some people think that eating fruit is best done in the afternoon.

These recommendations, however, are unsupported by any scientific data.

They do, in fact, digest more easily on an empty stomach and provide much-needed energy in the morning to get the day going.

If you eat fruit first thing in the morning, you’ll be energetic and productive the rest of the day.

Eating bananas at night during pregnancy is still a huge dilemma for many pregnant women

As per nutritionists, you should not consume bananas at night during pregnancy as it can cause mucilage and throat infection moreover, it can also lead to constipation and bloating if consumed at night or at bedtime.

So avoid consuming bananas at night during pregnancy. 

Banana in Pregnancy First Trimester [4–13 weeks]

Folic acid, iron, and vitamin B6 are the three nutrients that you require the most throughout the first trimester. 

And most of it you can get by having bananas during the first trimester of pregnancy.

Folic acid shields your child from birth defects including cleft palate and neural tube defects like spina bifida.

Making healthy red blood cells, which distribute oxygen throughout your body, requires iron.

Not having enough iron might make you fatigued and breathless.

Banana during the first trimester helps in maintaining a healthy weight for both mother and fetus but when consumed more than the recommended amount which is 1-2 bananas per day it can lead to hyperkalemia and overweight of the mother which is not a healthy situation for maintaining vitals.

Banana in Pregnancy Second Trimester [14-27 weeks]

Your unborn child’s brain and bones are both developing during the second trimester.

For strong, growing bones, you need a lot of calcium and vitamin D, and omega 3 is crucial for the brain development of your unborn child during the second trimester of pregnancy.

Beta Carotene, a kind of vitamin found in bananas helps in the proper maintenance of normal body conditions during pregnancy.

It contributes to the maintenance of healthy blood and skin and is another component we have noted in our meal planning for the second trimester.

We have also kept bringing up foods heavy in iron because anemia is so widespread in India, particularly among vegetarians in pregnant females.

But when females who’ve normal hemoglobin levels when consuming excess bananas during the second can cause iron toxicity that is very harmful.

Banana in Pregnancy Third Trimester

Your baby’s growth will quicken in the third trimester as he puts on weight and gets ready for life outside the womb.

You’ll notice that you’re gaining weight quickly as a result of this.

As long as you’re eating a balanced, healthy diet, try not to worry too much about the extra pounds.

When your baby develops fat layers, your energy needs will rise.

Now when we’re talking about bananas during pregnancy then the question arises why to consume bananas during the third trimester and why not to consume bananas during the third trimester?

You should consume banana during the third trimester as it is a good source of vitamin B6, Vitamin B6 is an important nutrient for the development of red blood cells and your baby’s brain.

But during the third-trimester baby grows and there’s an increase in body weight on its own, when you eat excess banana weight will increase, and that’s not healthy during pregnancy.


Why to avoid banana during pregnancy? One of the common questions every woman gets to hear during pregnancy and then they fall into a dilemma is whether a banana is good or bad for pregnancy.

But in this blog, it has been very descriptively discussed that “why to avoid banana during pregnancy? And why and how many bananas should be consumed during pregnancy.

There are some things to think about when eating bananas while pregnant.

In addition to being a wonderful source of nutrition, bananas can also help with heartburn, constipation, and morning sickness.

Unfortunately, they also contain a lot of calories and sugar.

In the end, it’s up to you to pay attention to what your body is telling you to eat and get consulted by a health practitioner for the best advice.


1. Does eating bananas during pregnancy cause miscarriage? 

There is no scientific evidence that eating bananas during pregnancy can cause miscarriage, but an overdose of bananas during pregnancy may lead to minor as well as major health complications.

2. Which Banana is better during pregnancy: the green banana or the yellow banana?

As per their nutrition profiles, both bananas are very nutritious and have different sources of nutrients. It doesn’t matter which banana you’re consuming—the green one or the yellow one. Do not overeat, as it can cause toxicity.

3. How many Bananas can you eat a day while pregnant?

Banana is very rich in various vitamin and minerals and as per health professional during pregnancy, you should consume 1-2 banana daily not more than that. 

4. Can a Pregnant Lady Eat a Red Banana?

Red bananas’ calcium content will help pregnant women by meeting their demands for calcium.

Moreover, digestive problems like bloating, nausea, gas, and constipation are more common in pregnant women.

Red bananas can support a healthy digestive system and help with constipation prevention during pregnancy.

5. Does a Banana cause acidity in pregnancy?

A low-acid fruit like a banana can help reduce the discomfort of acid reflux by covering an inflamed esophageal lining. Because they are so abundant in fiber, bananas also support your digestive system and prevent indigestion.

6. Is it healthy to drink banana shakes during pregnancy?

The banana shake is the perfect beverage for pregnant women since it contains enough iron. That could be your preferred pregnant smoothie. It helps with the development of the central nervous system in infants and contains vitamin B6.

7. Is a banana good for conceiving a baby boy?

According to a study by The Royal Society, a mother’s diet might truly change the gender of her unborn child. Eating a lot of bananas, for example, can result in the delivery of a happy baby boy. But experts and medical professional does not consider this an authentic way of getting a baby boy. 

8. Is banana good for the first trimester?

You should put bananas at the top of your list because they are safe to eat while pregnant. Due to their high carbohydrate content, they will provide you with much-needed energy during this time.

9. Is it good to eat apples during pregnancy?

Pregnant women should eat fruit, especially apples, to be healthy and prepare their unborn children for life.

Fruits that are fresh, frozen, or canned are all healthy choices for your pregnancy diet, but make sure that canned or frozen fruits don’t have additional sugar added to them.

10. Can I eat cherry fruit during pregnancy?

Cherries are safe to eat when expecting. They are packed with minerals, such as Vitamin C, that help pregnant women’s immune systems.

11. During Pregnancy, Can we eat dry apricot fruits?

Pregnancy cravings for sweets can be prevented and healthy ways to fulfill them can be achieved by eating dried apricots. It is safe to eat during pregnancy if you have digestive problems. It is calcium-rich and may help with prenatal bone development. aids in red blood cell formation.

12. What happens if you eat grapes while pregnant?

Eating grapes is not advised during the third trimester. They are known to increase body temperature, which is bad for the mother and the baby. To avoid difficulties, try to limit your grape intake while pregnant. Avoid completely black grapes and minimize the consumption of green grapes.

13. Is Kiwi good for pregnancy?

It has more potassium than a banana, more vitamin C than an orange, and a significant amount of the important fatty acid alpha-linolenic acid. Kiwi fruit is safe to eat when pregnant.

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