“Signs your period is coming tomorrow: 1. Cramps; 2. Mood swings; 3. Bloating; 4. Breast tenderness, 5. Constipation and diarrhea, 6. Acne breakouts”
Although many women know when their period is coming, it can be unpredictable at times. There are warning signs that your period is coming, but they may be unexpected or confusing.
Every woman experiences some physical or emotional changes that indicate signs period is coming, but these signs may not be the same for all women.
Some women tend to get their period symptoms as early as one or two weeks before the start of their period, while for others, these signs occur just a day or two before the period comes.
In this article, we will discuss some common signs your period is coming tomorrow, which can definitely help you plan for it to avoid any unexpected or sudden situation. But before we dive into the topic, let us understand PMS and its symptoms.
What is PMS?
Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) is a group of emotional, physical, and psychological symptoms that a woman experiences before her period.
These PMS symptoms usually start a week or two before her period and include signs like bloating, headaches, cramps, and mood swings. For some women, it could be so severe that it affects their daily activities.
It is estimated that around 85% of women experience some symptoms of PMS at some point in their lives. However, the symptoms may not be the same for every woman.
PMS occurs in every stage of female life, from a young girl to an adult woman. PMS is an early sign that indicates that your period is coming within weeks. Let us have a look at these signs of PMS.
Physical Symptoms of PMS
- Bloating
- Cramping
- Breast tenderness
- Headaches
- Fatigue
- Constipation
Emotional Symptoms PMS
- Mood swings
- Irritability
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Sadness
- Trouble sleeping
- Loss of Appetite
The exact cause of PMS is unknown, but hormonal changes during the menstrual cycle are thought to contribute to the symptoms.
You can manage the symptoms of PMS using some over-the-counter medications and by making lifestyle modifications such as exercise, using stress management techniques, and making dietary and nutritional changes.
If you have more severe symptoms that are difficult to manage, then visiting your doctor can help to relieve the symptoms.
What Happens Right Before Your Period?
Your body experiences a number of hormonal changes right before your period that prepare your body for menstruation.
During your menstrual cycle, the uterine lining thickens to prepare your body for pregnancy. If there is no pregnancy, progesterone levels fall, causing the uterine lining to shed and leave your body through the vagina. This shedding marks the start of your period. Your period can last for two to seven days.
The menstrual symptoms may be different from one person to another, and you can also track your menstrual cycle using tracking apps that can help you know when your period is coming so you can be prepared.
12 Signs Your Period Is Coming Tomorrow
1. You experience Cramps
Cramps are a common signs that your period is coming tomorrow. You will start feeling cramps before and during your period.
The cramps usually occur due to the contraction of the uterus, which causes the shedding of the uterine lining.
The contraction of the uterine lining causes excess blood and tissue to eject, which causes cramps.
Studies find that cramps occur due to the release of hormones called prostaglandins, which cause the uterus to contract.
The higher the level of prostaglandins, the more severe the cramps. This is why some women experience more cramps and pain while others feel less discomfort.
Sometimes these muscle contractions extend to the lower back and can cause back pain.
Most women have cramps a day or two before their periods, which can last for several days. The severity of the cramp varies from one person to another and decreases as the bleeding decreases.
2. You have Mood Swings
Mood swings are common symptoms of PMS, which occur a few days before your period. Mood swings are the result of hormone fluctuation that is associated with emotional and behavioral change.
During the menstrual phase, there is a rise and fall of hormones, particularly the drop of estrogen which is responsible for the emotional symptoms of PMS.
Furthermore, the rise in progesterone levels can cause mood swings and make you irritable before your period.
Although not everyone experiences mood swings before their period, it is one of the most common signs your period is coming soon.
You can manage the symptoms of mood swings by making some lifestyle changes and changing your diet, but sometimes the symptoms appear more severe and intense, and you may feel anxiety or even depression.
If you feel such symptoms to the point where they interfere with your daily life activities, you should consult your doctor, as it could be a sign of premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD), a severe form of PMS.
3. Tenderness or Soreness in the Breasts
Breast tenderness is another common signs your period is coming tomorrow. Your breasts become more tender and swollen before your period due to hormonal fluctuations in your menstrual cycle.
Tenderness and discomfort can range from mild to severe, along with other symptoms such as swelling and redness.
Due to the increase in estrogen levels during the menstrual cycle, the milk duct and gland in the breast grow, which causes discomfort.
Additionally, the rise of another hormone, progesterone, tends to enlarge the milk ducts and glands even further. This creates pressure in the surrounding tissue and causes tenderness and pain.
According to research, about 60% of women experience tenderness during their menstrual cycle. The number is even higher for women who suffer from menstrual disorders such as PMS.
You can relieve breast tenderness by using some pain reliever, wearing a supportive bra, or applying a warm compress, but if the discomfort is severe and persists, you should seek medical advice.
4. Breakouts of Acne
Acne production is another common sign your period is coming tomorrow. The hormonal changes that occur during the menstrual cycle lead to an increase in the production of oil and the buildup of bacteria that cause acne breakouts.
The hormones responsible for the production of oil are called androgens and are produced in the ovaries and adrenal glands.
The level of androgens in your body rises during your menstrual cycle, causing an increase in the production of a substance known as sebum.
Sebum is an oily substance that moisturizes your skin. Sebum, when produced in excess, can clog the pores, leading to acne.
Additionally, hormonal fluctuations in the menstrual cycle can disrupt the balance of bacteria on the skin, which causes an increase in oil production.
This creates an ideal condition for the growth of bacteria and causes acne breakouts.
5. You are Bloated
If you feel bloated before your period, it is a sign your period is coming tomorrow. Bloating is common before and during your menstrual cycle.
Your body’s hormonal changes can cause an increase in fluid retention and gas production, resulting in bloating.
Increased progesterone levels in the body cause fluid retention, resulting in bloating.
The hormonal changes in your body also have an effect on your digestive system, causing an increase in gastric acid production and bloating.
The increase in hormones also affects intestine movement, slowing digestion and causing gas accumulation.
Bloating does not affect everyone, and if you are concerned, you should see your doctor.
6. You experience Tiredness
Fatigue is another sign your period is coming tomorrow. The hormonal changes in the body cause physical and emotional symptoms during the menstrual cycle.
Estrogen and progesterone are the primary hormones that cause fatigue in the body during the menstrual cycle.
These hormones regulate the menstrual cycle and are very important in regulating energy levels as well.
The hormonal fluctuations in the body during the menstrual cycle can cause fatigue and a feeling of low energy before and during the period.
In addition to hormonal changes, physical symptoms such as headaches, bloating, and cramping can also cause fatigue.
These symptoms can cause sleeping difficulty and a loss of energy. As a result, both physical and emotional symptoms can contribute to fatigue and exhaustion.
7. Increased vaginal discharge
If you have increased vaginal discharge, it is a sign that your period is coming tomorrow. The body’s hormonal changes increase the production of cervical mucus.
Hormonal fluctuations in the body raise estrogen levels, stimulating the cervix gland to produce more mucus.
According to a study published in ‘Human Reproduction’, women’s cervical mucus production increases just before their period begins.
The study also found that women who had higher levels of cervical mucus at the start of their periods were more likely to have more discharge.
Another study, published in the “Journal of Women’s Health,” discovered that women who had more vaginal discharge before their period were more likely to have regular menstrual cycles.
8. Changes in Appetite
If you are feeling cravings for certain foods or feeling more hungry, then it is a sign your period is starting tomorrow. This is due to the fact that hormonal changes in your body affect your hunger and satiety signals.
According to a study published in the “International Journal of Eating Disorders,” women experience an increase in food cravings and hunger before the start of their period.
These changes were found because of a change in hormonal fluctuations due to the increase of progesterone.
Another study published in the “Journal of Women’s Health” discovered that women who reported changes in appetite before their period had a higher chance of having regular menstrual cycles.
9. You experience Constipation or Diarrhea
Constipation or diarrhea can be signs your period is coming tomorrow. This is because hormonal changes in the body can affect your digestive function and bowel movements.
According to a study published in the “Journal of Women’s Health,” women who reported changes in bowel movements before their period had a higher chance of having regular menstrual cycles.
The researchers discovered that these changes were caused by hormonal fluctuations, specifically an increase in progesterone levels.
Progesterone is a hormone that regulates menstrual cycles and is known to affect digestive function and bowel movements.
10. You suffer from Headaches
Headaches can also be signs that your period is coming tomorrow. Hormonal fluctuations during the menstrual cycle can affect the levels of chemicals in the brain, which can cause headaches and migraines.
According to a study published in the “Journal of Women’s Health,” women who reported headaches before their period were more likely to have regular menstrual cycles.
Hormonal fluctuations specifically change in estrogen and progesterone levels, are thought to be the cause of these headaches.
Estrogen and progesterone are important hormones that regulate menstrual cycles as well as the levels of chemicals in the brain that cause headaches.
Another study published in the “Headache: The Journal of Head and Face Pain” found that women who reported menstrual migraines were more likely to experience headaches before their period.
The researchers discovered that these migraines were often triggered by a drop in estrogen levels, which can then lead to a release of chemicals in the brain that causes headaches.
11. You experience light Spotting
Light spotting is a common symptom that can indicate the start of your period.
Spotting occurs due to the blood that comes out of your uterus, and it indicates the start of your menstrual cycle.
You can also experience spotting due to hormonal changes in your body. Hormonal imbalances can change the thickness and consistency of the endometrial lining, resulting in light spotting.
Keep track of your menstrual cycle to see if light spotting is a sign that your period is coming tomorrow.
To do this, keep track of the start and end dates of your periods, as well as any symptoms you observe during your cycle.
This will help you determine whether light spotting is normal or a sign of a more serious problem.
12. Increased sexual drive
Increased sexual drive is another sign that your period is coming. Increased sex drive is also known as libido and occurs due to hormonal changes (estrogen) during menstruation.
Estrogen levels in the body fluctuate during the menstrual cycle, peaking at ovulation and dropping just before the period begins.
A drop in estrogen can cause an increase in libido as the body attempts to increase the production of these hormones.
Testosterone is another hormone that plays an important role in increased sex drive. It tends to rise in the time leading up to menstruation, which increases libido.
Signs Your First Period Is Coming
Getting your first period creates a lot of dilemmas and questions in your mind.
You’re worried about your first period as you approach puberty. As always, girls’ experiences are different, so it becomes difficult to provide you with clues that make you sure about your first period.
However, there are a few common symptoms that you may experience that can make you more confident when your first period is coming.
1. Development of the Breast: As your body starts to produce more hormones, you may notice a change in the shape and size of your breasts. The chances range from minor to significant, indicating that your first period is approaching.
2. Hormonal Changes: Due to the fluctuations of the hormones estrogen and progesterone, these hormonal changes can cause some symptoms such as cramps, bloating, mood swings, and other symptoms that you may notice.
3. Body Hair Growth: As your body starts to produce more hormones, you may notice hair growth on your underarms and pubic hair.
4. Vaginal Discharge: You may notice an increase in vaginal discharge before your first period starts. The discharge may be clear and white, indicating that your body is getting ready to menstruate.
5. Cramping: You may experience mild cramps in your lower abdomen as your uterus prepares for your period. The cramps go away as your period starts.
6. Irregular Bleeding or Spotting: You may notice some irregular bleeding or light spotting due to hormonal changes. This is a sign your first period is about to come, and your body is trying to adjust to the hormonal changes.
Is It PMS or Early Pregnancy Symptoms?
PMS and early pregnancy symptoms are so similar that it’s difficult to tell the difference between them. Bloating, mood swings, breast tenderness, and fatigue are all common symptoms.
Understanding the difference between them is important for women’s health and well-being.
PMS Symptoms:
1. Occurs during a woman’s first few days of her period.
2. Include cramps, bloating, fatigue, mood swings, cravings, and headaches.
3. Usually the symptoms go away as your period starts.
4. The symptoms vary from mild to severe.
5. PMS symptoms are not a reliable indicator of pregnancy.
Early Pregnancy Symptoms:
1. It can happen as early as a few days after conception.
2. Include missed periods, nausea, fatigue, bloating, tender breasts, and frequent urination.
3. The symptoms persist throughout the pregnancy.
4. The severity also varies in intensity.
5. Early pregnancy symptoms can be detected through a pregnancy test.
How to Know When Your Next Period Is Coming
Tracking your period can help you understand your menstrual cycle. It can also help you predict when your next period will come. Here are a few ways to track your next period:
1. Calendar Tracking Method:
You can use the calendar tracking method to record the start and end dates of your period. This can help you predict when your next period is coming.
After using this method for several months, you can start to notice a pattern and the various symptoms that occur.
The pattern can also tell you whether it happens every 28 days or if it varies from month to month. Based on that, you can plan accordingly and make the necessary adjustments.
Not only this, but it can also help you identify any irregularities or underlying conditions that might need medical attention.
2. Period Tracking Apps:
The period tracking method can be another useful way to predict when your next period is coming.
This method can be more reliable and can often provide other information on your reproductive health and fertility as well.
You can simply input the start and end dates of your period, and the app will use this information to give you information about your next period date.
This might also provide you with a reminder to keep track of your period and various symptoms.
This app is also useful for providing information about your fertility. It uses your menstrual cycle information to tell when you are most fertile and most likely to conceive.
What Does The First Period Feel Like?
The first period can be exciting and very confusing as well. If you haven’t prepared for your first period, you may feel embarrassed or nervous.
The first period may be light and last only a few days. It is commonly accompanied by cramps and abdominal pain in some girls. where some may even feel bloating, mood swings, or acne production.
Although each girl has her own set of symptoms and experiences about her period, it is something that is going to be a part of their life for a longer period of time.
So it is important to educate yourself and talk to a close family member, a teacher, or your doctor.
It will help to have a plan for and manage your monthly cycle and keep track of any irregularities that can affect your health.
You should also understand the importance of menstrual hygiene, including the use of pads, tampons, and menstrual cups to manage your period flow.
Understanding one’s mental and emotional well-being is just as important as understanding one’s physical symptoms. You may also experience stress, anxiety, and mood swings.
Learn to manage the symptoms through exercise, yoga, and spending time with friends and family.
Can You Feel Your Period Coming?
Every girl experiences some physical and emotional symptoms before the start of her period.
Cramps, bloating, mood swings, and breast tenderness can be signs your period is coming.
The symptoms may differ from person to person, but there are some signs that your period is coming and you should be prepared to deal with it.
What Discharge Comes Before The Period?
It is normal to experience some discharge before period. The type and amount of discharge vary throughout your menstrual cycle due to hormonal changes.
Right before your period, you have experienced white, milky, or creamy discharge that is thicker in texture. This type of discharge is normal and indicates that your body is getting ready for your period.
This discharge has a normal odor and does not cause any itching or burning.
If you notice a strong odor, itching, or burning, it could be a sign of an infection or another health problem that needs medical attention.
How To Manage Period Signs and Symptoms?
Every woman looks for some way to get control over the symptoms of her period. This could be very challenging, but there are definitely some ways you can do it.
Here we have mentioned a few ways through which you can manage the signs and symptoms of your period, which can bring comfort and ease to managing your period symptoms.
1. Doing Exercise: Exercise is an excellent way to manage period symptoms such as cramps and other discomforts.
Regular physical activity improves blood flow, which acts as a natural painkiller and reduces menstrual cramps. Try doing some moderate exercise, such as walking, running, or swimming.
2. Proper Diet: Eating a healthy, balanced diet can help manage symptoms. Calcium, magnesium, and iron-rich foods, such as green leafy vegetables and beans, can relax cramps and fatigue.
Avoid processed foods and sugar, which can contribute to water retention and bloating.
3. Stay hydrated: Drink plenty of water during your period. Drinking lots of water can help manage symptoms like bloating and fatigue.
Keeping yourself hydrated flushes out excess toxins and salts from the body and contributes to these symptoms.
Try to drink 8 glasses of water per day. To help your period regulate more quickly, you can also use lukewarm water.
4. Relaxation: Stress-relieving activities such as yoga, meditation, and deep breathing can help manage stress and menstrual cramps during the period.
5. Get enough Sleep: You should get enough sleep during your period to help manage the symptoms of fatigue and mood swings.
Try to sleep for 7-8 hours during your period to manage the symptoms.
How Can You Make Your Period Come Faster?
Periods are a natural part of women’s menstrual cycles. Sometimes your period is delayed, or you try to induce it faster because of an event, or you have to go out.
Although there is no guaranteed way to make your period come faster, there are some natural foods and supplements that some believe will impact your menstrual cycle.
There are some tips that can help your period come faster.
1. Ginger: Ginger is considered a natural remedy to help your period come faster. The anti-inflammatory properties of ginger are said to stimulate the uterus and speed up menstruation.
It is also a natural remedy to treat menstrual cramps. You can consume ginger in various forms, like ginger tea or fresh ginger slices.
2. Parsley: Parsley contains vitamins and minerals that are believed to have a positive impact on your menstrual cycle.
Women generally consume parsley, either in the form of parsley tea or juice, to get their period started faster.
3. Vitamin C: Vitamin C helps to regulate your hormones and make your period come faster. Vitamin sources such as citrus fruits, berries, and supplements should be consumed in moderation to avoid side effects like diarrhea and nausea.
4. Vitamin B6: A vitamin B6 nutrient such as bananas, chickpeas, potatoes, or supplements regulates your hormones and boosts your menstrual regularity.
However, it should only be consumed after the recommendation of a medical professional.
5. Magnesium: Magnesium is a nutrient that regulates your menstrual cycle and makes your period come faster. Eating foods like leafy greens, nuts, seeds, and supplements can help, but they should be consumed in moderation.
Signs Your Period Is Not Coming
Periods are unpredictable, and sometimes you may feel that there is no sign of your period coming. So if you have missed your period and there is no sign, then it could indicate some problems.
Here are some signs your period is not coming:
1. Late or missed periods: If you have missed your period or it’s delayed then it is a sign your period is not coming.
2. Breast changes: Changes in your breasts, such as tenderness or enlargement, can be a sign that your period is not coming.
3. Nausea or vomiting: Some women may experience nausea or vomiting if their period is not coming.
4. Mood swings: Mood swings, irritability, and anxiety can also be signs that your period is not coming.
5. Abnormal vaginal discharge: An increase in discharge or a change in color or consistency, may indicate that your period is not coming.
6. Acne or skin changes: Acne and skin changes may also be a sign your period is not coming.
7. Fatigue or tiredness: Fatigue or tiredness can also be a sign of a period not coming.
Periods are a natural and necessary part of women’s lives. It reveals a lot about your overall health, so keep an eye on it. There are always signs your period is coming tomorrow.
However, the signs may vary from woman to woman, which they need to closely observe.
This can help you keep track of your health and when you are likely to get your next period.
If you notice any changes in your menstrual cycle or any unusual symptoms, you should seek medical attention to rule out any underlying health issues.
It is equally important to understand menstrual hygiene, which can cause infection.
Does your body temperature increase prior to menstruation?
Yes, you will notice a rise in body temperature before your period. This is due to hormonal changes. During your period, there is a rise in progesterone levels in your body, which can cause the temperature to rise.
Do you become dry before your period?
Yes, it is common for most women to observe vaginal dryness during their period. This is again due to the changes in hormones level which affect the natural lubrication of the vagina.
Why do I feel like my period is coming but didn’t?
There are several reasons why you may believe your period is about to arrive but it does not. Stress, hormonal changes, lack of sleep, diet and lifestyle changes, and some medications can interfere with your menstrual cycle and give you symptoms like your period is coming.
Why do I have cramps but no period?
There are several reasons you may feel cramps without actually getting period. Stress, ovulation, endometriosis, fibroids, pelvic inflammatory disease, or ectopic pregnancy are some of the conditions that can cause cramps without a period.
Do periods start in the morning or at night?
There is no specific time for your period. It can start anytime, day or night. The timing of periods varies from person to person and again depends on various factors like hormones, stress, diet, and lifestyle.
How long should you be discharged before starting your period?
The length of discharge before a period varies from person to person. Some may feel a few days before the start whereas some may feel a week or more before their period.
Mausam Mangalam is a registered dietitian and nutritionist with a passion for creating insightful, evidence-based content on health, fitness, and nutrition. With years of experience in the field, she focuses on delivering practical advice for improving diet, fitness routines, and overall well-being, especially for women. Her writing covers a range of topics, including healthy eating, fitness strategies, women’s health, and hygiene, ensuring her readers have access to trustworthy, authoritative information.