Sabudana(Sago)-15 Benefits, Nutrition, Side Effects, Recipes User-agent: * Disallow: /wp-admin/ Allow: /wp-admin/admin-ajax.php Sitemap:

Sabudana (Sago)- Health Benefits | Nutrition | Sabudana Khichdi Recipe


What is Sabudana?

Sabudana, also known as sago, saksak, rabia, and sagu in different regions of the world, is a starch that is collected from the pith or spongy center of tropical palm trees. It has been a staple for those living in tropical areas for centuries. 

Sago has recently become popular among fitness enthusiasts due to its numerous health benefits. It is relished in a variety of ways all over the world. Porridge, Khichdi, pancakes, buns, and fries are some of the ways it’s prepared. It is a prepared vegetarian food that is commonly consumed during upvasa. 

Sabudana is manufactured from the starch derived from the tapioca tuber and is also known as sago. Sago, on the other hand, is sold commercially in the shape of pearls, making it simple to prepare. In fact, unlike the original sago starch, sago pearls are made from cassava starch, which comes from the roots of tropical palm trees.

What is Sabudana made of?

It’s a starch made from tapioca roots that have been processed into pearl-like spears. It can also give texture to bread and soups without changing the taste because of its neutral flavor.

It has high carbohydrate content and low-fat content, making it a quick energy boost. It is also one of the first foods that most Indians offer to their babies, other than milk, and is enjoyed during festivals. 

Because it is high in starch and contains no artificial sweeteners or chemicals, Sago is preferred over other foods. It’s also utilized as a healthy meal for sick people because it’s high in energy and simple to digest. 

Because Sago has a cooling impact on our system, it’s no surprise that Sabudana-gruel is given to those who have too much bile.

Sabudana Nutrition

NutrientsValue Per 100 gm
IRON 1.58 GM

15 Health Benefits of Sabudana (Sago)


1. Energy Giving Food

Sabudana are high in energy, which is one of the primary reasons why you should consume them. The main reason why people eat this meal during Navratri fasting is that it provides quick energy.

Sago is high in starches and simple sugars, which are quickly digested in the body to produce glucose for the cells’ and tissues’ energy demands and metabolic processes. It’s a great food to eat after fasting for a long time or after a strenuous workout since it gives the body a boost of energy and prevents lethargy, dizziness, and headaches.

2. Suitable for Everyone

Sago is gluten-free & it can’t cause allergies. Anyone and everyone can eat tapioca pearls because it is allergy-free.

3. Good Food for Digestive Health

It aids in the prevention of digestive problems, as well as the relief of gas, bloating, and congestion. sago has a lot of dietary fiber, which helps to rebalance the beneficial bacteria in your stomach. It helps to keep your blood pressure low and under control because it includes a significant amount of potassium. Because sabudana is low in cholesterol, you can have a bowl of it guilt-free.

4. Aids in the Prevention of Birth Abnormalities

Vitamin B6 and folate are abundant in sabudana, which aid in the correct development of the fetus. It also protects newborns from neural tube abnormalities. Folate is a necessary nutrient throughout the first trimester of pregnancy.

5. Good Option as Workout Meal

It is an excellent pre-or post-workout snack. So, if you’re on a muscle-building diet in the gym, you can ditch your pricey gym supplements like BCAA, which bodybuilders need to encourage muscle growth, and your pre-workout drink, which you need for an extra burst of energy because tapioca pearls are less expensive and provide the same results.

6.  Strengthen Bone Health

Growing children’s bones are strengthened by sabudana, which is a great source of natural calcium. It also helps relieve osteoporosis symptoms by restoring ideal bone density in aged persons.

While younger people can drink sabudana daily, middle-aged and older folks must ingest little amounts to maintain bone health while avoiding gastrointestinal and kidney problems. Sago is abundant in calcium, magnesium, and iron, all of which assist to strengthen and improve the density of your bones.

This wonder meal aids in the prevention of arthritis and low bone density.

7. Loaded with Essential Amino acids

It is a unique plant-based source of high-quality proteins because it contains certain important amino acids.

It contains methionine, a sulfur-based amino acid that helps to restore skin and hair health, as well as valine and isoleucine, which help to repair injured muscular tissues, and threonine, which helps teeth and enamel form properly.

8. Controls Blood Glucose Level

Although sabudana is high in calories and carbohydrates for immediate energy, it also contains phytates, tannins, and polyphenols, which are plant compounds that impede digestion.

This helps people with diabetes mellitus lower their blood sugar levels. In addition, because of its easy digestion and high fiber content, tapioca pearls, when consumed in small amounts regularly, aids in the management of lifestyle disorders such as diabetes and obesity.

9. Anemia can be treated with the Consumption of Sago in young Females

Annually, thousands of Indian men, women, and children suffer from iron deficiency anemia, which causes extreme weariness and low productivity. It is an iron-rich plant that is a blessing to persons who have low hemoglobin levels in their blood, effectively alleviating anemia.

10. Enhances Neurological Performance

Due to high levels of the amino acid tryptophan, eating sabudana in little amounts regularly helps to improve nerve impulse transmission, activate memory centers in the brain, and calm the mind.

Sago aids in the treatment of anxiety and insomnia by keeping proper emotional control and supporting sound sleep by bringing about equilibrium in the levels of serotonin – a neurotransmitter.

11. Stabilizes Cholesterol

Because Sago is cholesterol-free, persons with heart problems can safely consume recipes containing tapioca pearls.

Furthermore, dietary fiber and B vitamins aid to raise good HDL levels while lowering dangerous LDL levels.

This helps to prevent plaque and fatty deposits in the heart vessels, which improves cardiac muscle performance and overall health.

12. Good Food for Expecting Mothers

Soaking sabudana overnight and eating it the next morning provides numerous health benefits for pregnant and lactating women.

Sago is great for stimulating milk production and balancing hormonal processes in pregnant women and young moms due to its high iron and calcium content. 

It can also be included in the diet of pregnant women because it aids in the healthy development of the unborn child.

Vitamin B6 and folate-rich foods can aid in the development and growth of the fetus. It also protects newborns from neural tube abnormalities.

13. Used as a Medication for Diarrhea

The goodness of dietary fibers is abundant in Sago. Eating meals high in fiber improves bowel movement by controlling fecal volume and allowing food and other materials to travel through the intestines more easily. 

In this way, eating sabudana for breakfast helps to promote healthy metabolic activity, relieve diarrhea, and even reduce the risk of colon cancer.

14. Can be used as a Face Mask

Due to the skin-tightening, protecting, and rejuvenating properties of sabudana, applying a herbal mask of soaked sabudana with some milk and honey or other natural infusions is a fantastic way to get rid of suntan, UV ray damage, and irregular skin tone.

15. Used as a Hair Care Product

A sabudana hair mask with coconut oil, which contains a multitude of amino acids, enhances hair growth and renews the texture of tresses. This prevents premature greying and balding by controlling hair loss. 

When applied as a herbal paste to a dandruff-prone scalp, sabudana contains numerous necessary amino acids and carotenoids that promote hair development, as well as antifungal and antibacterial properties.

How to Make Sabudana/Sago Khichdi



  • Chopped green chilies, onion, tomato, carrot 
  • 1 medium mashed boiled potato 
  • 1 tablespoon ghee/oil
  • Jeera – 1 teaspoon
  • Curry leaves- 5-6
  • Salt to taste
  • Red chili powder
  • Pinch of turmeric 
  • Roasted jeera powder
  • Freshly chopped coriander leaves

Serving:- 2 person


STEP 1:- Take a pan, put oil into it

STEP 2: After the oil gets heated, add jeera, curry leaves, chopped onion, green chilies, onion, tomato, and carrot.

STEP 3: Let it cook for 3-4 minutes then add mashed boiled potato

STEP 4:- Add overnight soaked sago

STEP 5:- Mix it well 

STEP 6:-Add salt as per taste & red chili & roasted jeera powder

STEP 7:- Mix it well, cover it and let it cook for 5-8 minutes on a low medium flame

STEP 8:- Turn the flame off, add freshly chopped coriander leaves and serve hot ! You can have this as your breakfast or evening snack. 

Note:- Skip the onion if preparing for upvasa.

Calorie in Sabudana Khichdi

1 large bowl[ 10 inch bowl] = 480kcal , below mentioned are other nutritional value of sabudana khichdi :-

Nutritional valuePer 1 large bowl
Vitamin  A 0%
Vitamin C 38%
Sodium 1156mg
Fat 19.89gm

Benefits of Eating Sabudana Khichdi

It is high in calories, which provides immediate energy, as well as nutritional fibers, which aid digestion.

Coriander leaves are high in vitamin A, which helps with vision.

Consumption of sabudana khichdi will help your bones to get strengthened, skin glowing & healthy, and will relieve digestive disorder.

As it doesn’t have lots of spices it’s suitable for old age, patients of GIT & also recommended it as one of the postoperative meals.

Side Effects of Sabudana/ Sago

It produced from cassava may include different chemicals, such as cyanogenic glucosides, which might interrupt thyroid function and cause hypothyroidism by affecting iodine metabolism in the body. 

Regular use of sago is not recommended for those on a weight-loss regimen because it is calorie-dense and carbohydrates. 

In addition, too much sabudana can cause gastrointestinal problems including bloating and constipation, especially in people who have diabetes or cardiovascular disease. 

It is a good source of energy because it is high in starch and carbs. However, because of its high glycemic index (the rate at which food raises blood glucose levels), it could be dangerous to diabetics if consumed in significant amounts.


Although sago or tapioca pearls are well-known for their high calorie and starch content, they are a nutritious diet that contains many necessary elements such as B vitamins, calcium, iron, and other minerals, as well as flavonoid and tannin antioxidants. 

Sago is a carbohydrate that is frequently found in our diets as sabudana khichdi or kheer. It not only gives you more energy, but it also lowers your risk of heart disease and can assist with diabetes. 

It is, however, heavy in calories and carbs, making it a poor weight-loss option. If you eat sago, consume it in the right proportion and increase your activity level to burn surplus fats.


1. Is Sabudana healthy or not?

Yes, it is healthy. It is loaded with nutrients & antioxidants & boosts energy.

2. Why Sabudana is eaten during fasting?

The main reason why people eat this meal during Navratri fasting is that it provides quick energy. They are a starchy product that contains about 90% carbs and very little protein.

They’re also allowed while fasting because they’re pure, have no chemicals, and aren’t grain-based. Dishes composed of this food product, whether savory khichdi or kheer/ porridge loaded with dry fruits, can make your fasting healthier and more enjoyable.

3. Is Sago better than rice?

It is better to do so in case you’re fasting or gluten allergic. Apart from this, it’s nutritionally low from other cereals & grains like quinoa, rice, buckwheat, etc. 

4. Which Sabudana is best?

When purchasing sago, find ones that are uniformly sized and white. The pearls should not be crushed and should be entire. Make khichdi if the pearls are the standard size. Various companies are manufacturing sago like Deepak, Chuk-de, urban platter, Vedaka, etc. 

5. Can Sabudana be eaten raw?

No, as uncooked sago can cause indigestion, bloating & intestinal issues. 

6. Is Sabudana good for the liver?

Cooked sago is good for the liver, but if you’re consuming the unprocessed one it can cause liver damage. Sometimes it can lead to death. 


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