Breast Cancer and Plant-Based Diets: Unhealthy Foods Associated with a 20% Increased Risk

June 28, 2022

By: Ashwani Kumar

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Our cancer risk is influenced by what we eat, drink, and how we live. Certain foods have been linked to an increased risk of cancer, but overall diet is more important in maintaining a healthy weight.

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According to recent studies, a diet high in fruit, vegetables, whole grains, and nuts may lower the risk of breast cancer in postmenopausal women.

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The researchers discovered that women, who ate a healthy plant-based diet on a regular basis, even if it included animal-based foods, were 14 percent less likely to develop breast cancer.

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Women who consumed unhealthy plant-based diets high in fruit juices, potatoes, and desserts increased their risk of breast cancer by about 20%.

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Consuming more healthy plant foods and less healthy plant foods may help prevent all types of breast cancer.

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Plant-based diets and vegetarian or vegan diets are frequently used interchangeably.

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A healthy plant-based diet includes more fruit, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, legumes, tea, and coffee.

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The unhealthy plant-based diet consists primarily of processed/refined plant-based products such as refined grains, fruit juices, sweets/desserts, and potatoes.

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This doesn't mean you have to be a vegetarian or vegan to be healthy; simply eat more vegetables, fruit, wholegrain foods, and lean protein sources such as beans or fresh chicken.

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Due to differences in the development of breast cancer, these findings may not be applicable to pre-menopausal breast cancer or young women.

Thanks for Reading!


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