Sprouts-16 Amazing Health Benefits, Nutrition & Calories User-agent: * Disallow: /wp-admin/ Allow: /wp-admin/admin-ajax.php Sitemap: https://smartfitnessaura.com/sitemap_index.xml

Sprouts- Health Benefits, Nutrition, Calorie and Recipes


Sprouts are a simple, inexpensive, and appetizing pre-mature growth of a plant from a germinated seed that can be easily cultivated by anyone. 

They also have some significant nutritional benefits. By breaking down the anti-nutrients found in lentils, cereals, and grains, sprouting then enables them to be more digestible. 

Humans originally started growing sprouts in prehistoric India and Southeast Asia. They have traditionally been prized in the East for their high nutritional content, sprightly growing character, and weather resistance. 

It can be made from seeds of vegetables and grains like millet, and legumes. They come in a variety of textures and tastes. Some are hot (radish and bulb vegetative), some are hardy and commonly used in Asian cuisine (green gram beans), while others are tender (alfalfa) and used to provide thickness and moisture to salad dressings, sandwiches, and veg. wraps. 

There are some other words like germinate, bud, younglings, burgeon & pullulate which can be used instead of sprouts.

Sprouts Nutrition

They are nutritious in several ways, from their rich vitamin C content to the peptides and fibers that give them their unique crunching texture. 

The amount of vitamins and minerals in sprouts varies depending on the type of variety which you’ll read further in this article. 

The process of sprouting led to an increase in the proteins, folate, magnesium, phosphorus, manganese, ascorbic acid content. 

An un-sprouted grain- bean is comparatively low in these nutritional values. The proteins present in them are easily digestible as compared to other vegetarian sources of protein due to the presence of anti-nutrients. It is also rich in bio-active compounds which have proven beneficial effects on health.

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Sprouts Calorie

Constituent Values per 100 gm
calories 31kcal
Total fat 0.48g
Polyunsaturated fat 0.262g
Monounsaturated fat  0.042
cholesterol 0mg
sodium 6mg
Total carbs 4.69g
Dietary fiber 2.2gm
sugars 1.84gm
Protein 3.59gm
calcium 24mg
iron 0.94mg
potassium 108mg
Vitamin A 5mcg
Vitamin c  10.3mg
Pantothenic acid 0.23mg

16 Health Benefits of Sprouts



Consumption of sprouts has numerous health benefits. They are good munchkin options as well as widely recommended for the individuals who want to lose weight, are protein deficient & have a vegetarian eating pattern.

1. Good for Hypertension:- Sprouts contain essential amino acids called a peptide, may help prevent and cure high blood pressure, often known as hypertension. When seeds start to germinate, they produce a large number of peptides. In certain trials, they’ve been demonstrated to lower blood pressure.

2. Protect against Cancer:– As discussed earlier sprouts are rich in bio-active compounds and antioxidants which help reduce cancer-causing cells. Some antioxidant components have free-radical reducing properties which is one of the major causes of cancer. Cancer cells, such as those associated with breast cancer, leukemia, and gastrointestinal system tumors, can be slowed by nutrients found in them.

3. Aid in Digestive Health:– Sprouts contain complex carbohydrates and fiber which increase the water holding capacity of the body, which helps with digestion. It travels fast through the gastrointestinal process, collecting up and transporting byproducts with it. Fiber aids in the “cleaning out” of the intestines. It’s similar to an interior scrub brush. Heartburn can be avoided by including adequate insoluble fiber in your meals.

4. Keep your Eye-Healthy:– Consume at least 100gm of mixed sprouts to avoid AMD (age-related macular degeneration- losing of eye muscle and decreasing eyesight). In persons above the age group of fifty-five, AMD is the major cause of cognitive impairment. Antioxidants could help in the reduction of your chances of getting AMD.

5. Pacify Heart Health:- By regulating triglycerides (cholesterol), bean vegetables may enhance your overall cardiovascular health. They have been shown in studies to help lower “bad” (Low-density lipid) cholesterol, which causes plaque buildup in arteries. sprouts may also boost levels of “good” (High-density lipid) cholesterol, which aids in the removal of fatty deposits from the bloodstream.

6. Intake of Healthy Enzymes in diet:– Enzymes are a unique chemical composition that serves as catalysts for all of your body’s natural processes. Additional vitamins, mineral deposits, amino acids, and important unsaturated fats extracted from the foods you eat guarantee that your body gets the nutritious building blocks it needs to function properly. 

7. High quality of Protein:– Sprouted seeds have a higher quality of proteins. During the soaking and sprouting procedure, proteins alter, increasing the nutritious potential. During the sprouting phase, for example, the amino acid lysine, which is required to prevent the common cold and sustain a strong immune system, increases considerably.

8. Increased Vitamin content in the Diet:– When we include sprouts in our diet it leads to an increase in the vitamin content in our meals. Vitamins A(retinol), B-complex, C(ascorbic acid), and E are extremely important. Only after a few days of sprouting, the essential micronutrients of various seeds, grains, beans, and nuts can rise by up to 20 times their original value. 

example:- Mung bean vegetate rise in b1(thiamin ) Vitamins by up to 285 %, vitamin B2(riboflavin ) by up to 515 %, and niacin(B3) by up to 256% throughout the sprouting procedure.

9. Improves Blood Circulation:– some varieties of sprouts like red beans are a good source of copper and iron which helps in increasing blood circulation. This also aids in the delivery of oxygen to numerous organs and cells, allowing them to work at their best. burgeons help to strengthen and thicken hair by repairing capillaries.

10. Acts as an Immune Booster:– Sprouts have a higher amount of vitamin C, which acts as a powerful activator for the body’s lymphocytes (white blood cells) to fight back infections and disorders, thereby strengthening your immune system. It’s also high in vitamin A. Retinol has a lot of antioxidant characteristics that help to stimulate the immune system.

11. Acts as a Pacifying agent for Acidity:– Consumption of sprouts is one of the highly recommended ways for Alkalinization. It helps in the regulation and maintenance of PH levels that reduce the excess acid secretion in the inner lining of the intestine. When we consume them it reduces acidity which occurs to some people after eating citrus fruits So it is advised to consume sprouts along with citrus fruit to avoid acidity.

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12. Slows down the process of Aging:– Daily consumption of sprouts slows down the process of aging. They are reported to be particularly potent antioxidants, which aid in the prevention of skin damage like fine lines, wrinkles, spots, and blemishes. Sprouts have been shown to prevent DNA degradation, which is a contributing factor in the aging process. Furthermore, the antioxidants included in their aid in the fight against cell-damaging free radicals that can promote premature aging. 

13. Maintains the quality of Hair:- Retinol in them strengthens hair follicles and enhances the growth of denser, lengthier hair on the scalp. Hair weakening, receding hairline, and premature hair loss can all be symptoms of a vitamin A deficiency.

14. Maintains Sebum Gland Secretions: Sprouts are high in zinc, a mineral that aids in the stimulation of sebaceous glands in the scalp, which keeps the roots and hair strands lubricated and moisturized. It also reduces degeneration and improves the renewal of scalp cells.

15. Keeps Dandruff Away:– Selenium in sprouts aids in the fight against fungi that develop on the hair’s scalp and create dandruff and other issues like itching, irritation. It prevents dermatitis and encourages the production of natural oil in the scalp, which supports positive hair development.

16. Regenerates Connective Tissue:– The elevated levels of omega-3 fatty acids in the diet reduce the pain, inflammation, lowering the risk of acne and other skin issues. Sprouts include silica, a vitamin that helps the skin’s connective tissues heal. It is also in charge of eliminating toxins from the body, which causes the skin to become dead and dull.


Different Types of Sprouts



1. Alfalfa Sprouts- They are cultivated and commonly consumed in the United States. It will grow and produce within 3-7 days after seedlings have been placed in a moderate, moist climate, depending on the type of seed. Some seed kinds might take up to 14 days to sprout, while others can produce a partially sprouted crop in as little as 48 hours. Retinol and C, iron, calcium, protein, and dietary fiber are all abundant in this variety.

2. Green Mung Bean[vigna radiate] Sprouts – They are 2-4 inches long, with broad whitish stalks and pointed yellow ends. Mung bean sprouts, like alfalfa vegetate, are high in vitamin C, iron, calcium, energy, and complex carbohydrates.

3. Red clover sprouts- In taste, texture, and look, red clover sprouts are analogous to alfalfa Vegetate. They are tall and slender, with a lighter color and a greenish top. Red clover sprouts, like other sprouted grains & beans, are high in Retinol and C, iron, calcium, and amino acid.

4. Radish sprouts- They are nutritious root vegetables of the Brassicaceae family which have a lot of variations. They have a peppery taste and are crunchy, similar to the veggies they will eventually grow into. They are commonly consumed raw or minimally cooked in salad and sushi, as well as as a seasoning agent. It is rich in Vitamin B complex, folates, folic acid, magnesium, and a little amount of ascorbic acid is also found.

5. Broccoli sprouts- They have a moderate flavor and a slight texture. They, like other slender sprouts, lose their structural stability when prepared, therefore they’re usually eaten raw in salads or on sandwiches. Cruciferous veggies are a rich source of vitamin A, C, and K, as well as folic acid and dietary fiber, and are esteemed for their strong antioxidant content.

6. Wheatgrass sprouts- Wheatgrass has acquired appeal in recent times as a nutritious super-food that contains immune-boosting catalysts, malignancy compounds, and a variety of essential vitamins and minerals, according to proponents. Wheatgrass is high in vitamins A, C, and E, as well as minerals like calcium, iron, and magnesium, as well as amino acids and chlorophyll.

7. Soybean sprouts- It is full of antioxidants, which help protect cells from harm, are beneficial for the skin, and may lower the risk of cardiovascular disorders.

8. Mustard sprouts- They have small leaves that resemble the delicate alfalfa vegetate, but be careful as their nutrient constituent is different. The leaves are fiery and spicy, and they go nicely in both egg dishes and salads. Mustard microgreens are high in protein, fiber, folate, calcium, and iron, making them effective in the fight against diabetes and other lifestyle diseases.

 9. Sunflower sprouts- They are high in vitamins A, C, and D and go well in salad dressings. It might make a good snack.

10. Onion sprouts- It is high in vitamin D and has a pleasant nutty taste. They have a crunchy feel when eaten uncooked. It helps in strengthening bone density.


Are Sprouts Dangerous?

If sprouts are infected, they can cause food-borne disease, just like any other fresh vegetable that is eaten raw or gently cooked. The warm, moist conditions necessary to develop vegetate, unlike other fresh veggies, are favorable for the rapid development of germs such as salmonella, listeria, and E. coli. 

Raw sprouts are generally not recommended to consume if they are not washed properly. Sauté sprouts are highly advised for better health benefits. Rotten smell, degraded covers(peel)of sprout should not be consumed.

Following anticipatory actions measures have been mentioned below which helps in reduction of risk rate:-

  • Engage in chilled sprouts: Only purchase fresh microgreens/ burgeons/vegetate that have been thoroughly cooled.
  • Examine their outward attractiveness: If it has a pungent smell or sticky look should not be purchased or eaten.
  • Keep refrigerated: It should be frozen at temperatures below 48°F (8°C) at home.
  • Hand washing: Before handling raw sprouts, carefully wash your hands thoroughly.


Which Sprouts are best for Weight loss?

All the varieties are beneficial for weight loss if consumed in the recommended amount. But mung bean sprouts are highly recommended in Asian countries for weight loss. They are high in nutritional value yet low in calories, so you can eat them without worrying about your weight. It also maintains the regulation of ghrelin, a hunger hormone that tells our CNS (central nervous system) that we should eat more.

Following are reasons why they are advisable for weight loss:-

  • It is rich in protein and has less harmful carbohydrates.
  • It is rich in fiber which fills the stomach and doesn’t produce the urge to eat more than required.
  • It includes more dietary fiber than other vegetables, which can help with metabolism and prevent discomfort like constipation. Sprouts may also have reduced levels of wheat protein ( gluten) and ant nutrients, which helps with digestion.
  • These are the best affordable & easily accessible options for the weight loss program. They are cheap veggies. The cost of healthy meals is commonly used as an excuse for not eating healthier. According to certain studies, a reasonable amount (100gm) of peanut sprouts could be a viable important target for obesity and obesity-related health ailments in overweight women.
  • It helps in the proper absorption of nutrients & proper absorption of the nutrient is a very important step in weight loss. They do have a greater nutritional content than other vegetables. It can be easily metabolized as it is already in “pre-digested form”.


How to make Sprouts? 

The sprouting procedure is simple. Let me walk you through the steps:-

  1. Soak your seeds in water: Different seeds absorb different quantities of water, but three parts water to one part seed is a fair rule of thumb. For example: if you have to make sprouts of 100gm seed/beans then soak 100gm seeds in 300ml water.
  2. Leave it for overnight
  3. Rinse off the water
  4. Cover the soaked grain/seeds/beans with a piece of fabric/cloth
  5. Leave it for few hours
  6. Spray water on it after every 2-3 hours, do not let it dry.
  7. Continue this process until the seed starts to germinate
  8. Keep observing, after a few days white/pale yellow colored tail-like structure can be noticed which means it has germinated and is ready to consume.

Following are Ways to Eat Sprouts along with the Tempting- Healthy Recipes

1. Consume raw burgeon/vegetate with added black salt in it, but be must sure it should be cleaned and properly washed.



2. Sauté-spiced Sprouts



  • 250gm Sprouts
  • Salt
  • Black pepper
  • Oil
  • Green chilies
  • Coriander leaves
  • Chopped onion


  • Heat a pan
  • Put oil in it
  • Put chopped onion, green chilies
  • Add sprouts to the pan 
  • Add salt, black pepper, coriander leaves as per taste.
  • Serve hot with 4-6 drops of lemon juice

3. Sprouts Cutlet




  • 200 gm sprouts
  • 2 boiled potato
  • Salt,
  • black pepper,
  • oil,
  • green chilies,
  • red chili powder,
  • turmeric powder,
  • coriander leaves,
  • chopped onion


  • boil the sprouts (2 whistles)
  • Add boiled potatoes with them
  • Add all other ingredients like onion, red chili powder, chopped green chilies, coriander leaves, salt, black pepper as per taste
  • Make balls out of it
  • Then press the ball and turn it into a flat circular shape
  • Heat a pan
  • Put 4 tablespoon oil(shallow fry)
  • Put the flat circular cutlets
  • Fry it till it turns golden brown.
  • Serve hot with mint –tomato sauce.


4. Sprouts kichdi




  • 200 gm burgeon
  • 100gm rice
  • 50gm arahaar dal
  • Veggies- carrot, capsicum, potatoes, green chilies
  • Oil, salt, turmeric, red chili, and black pepper powder.


  • Take a pressure cooker
  • Pour 1 tbsp, oil into it
  • Add veggies and sprouts
  • Then add properly washed rice-dal 
  • Cook it without a lid for 4 minutes
  • Add water(always add double water than the sample size means – for 200gm sprouts+100gm rice+50gm gm dal=350gm, so add 750 ml water)
  • Leave it on flame for 10 minutes or till 3 whistles
  • After 3 whistles, serve hot with curd.


5. Sprouts Parantha




  • 200gm sprouts for 500gm wheat flour
  • Salt to taste
  • Chopped veggies(completely optional)



  • Wash the sprouts properly then grind them in a mixer, make a dense paste
  • Knead wheat flour and add the paste
  • Add salt to taste
  • Add chopped veggies like green chilies, carrot, and grated raw potatoes
  • Make balls out of it
  • Roll it and then bake it on a pan
  • Serve hot with mixed veg/mint sauce/or sprouts salad.



Sprouts are the initial stage of germinated seeds. It is very nutritious and has numerous health benefits. It is rich in digestible proteins, complex carbs, anti-nutrients, anti-oxidants, and insoluble fibers. It provides 31kcal per 100gm. 

Consumption of sprouts aid in hypertension, proper digestive health, maintenance of hair health, bone density, regulation of hunger hormone, reduce abdominal obesity, reduce the risk of cardiac ailments, fight vitamin deficiency, and many more. It has a major role in weight loss programs due to its fiber content and antioxidant property. 

The process of sprouting is a breeze and can be easily cultivated by anyone. It can be included in the diet in a lot of ways like sprout salad, salad dressing, sprout cutlets, burgeon chapati, sprouts cheese, etc.


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