How to Treat Smelly Discharge After Abortion? 5 Best Ways User-agent: * Disallow: /wp-admin/ Allow: /wp-admin/admin-ajax.php Sitemap:

How to Treat Smelly Discharge After Abortion?

How to treat smelly discharge after abortion

How to Treat Smelly Discharge After Abortion: Use Vinegar, Baking Soda, and Tea Tree oil, and Drink enough water, Maintain proper hygiene and self-care.

Abortion is a medical process that some women choose for certain reasons. It is generally considered safe, but sometimes it may come with some side effects, and a smelly discharge after abortion is one of them.

If you are experiencing a strong smell, you may want to try using unscented soap and water or an over-the-counter feminine hygiene product.

But a smelly discharge can be fatal sometimes and may be a cause for worry.  In this blog, we will learn how to treat smelly discharge after abortion and when to see a doctor.

What Causes Smelly Discharge After Abortion?

How to treat smelly discharge after abortion

When you are pregnant, you might feel like you are producing a lot of discharge. If you have an abortion, it’s important to know how to treat the discharge.

The discharge can be very stinky and smell like blood, which is why it is important to clean the area with mild soap and water.

Avoid using bleach because it can cause irritation and discoloration. It is also important to avoid using peroxide because it can cause tissue damage.

Some people recommend using hydrogen peroxide instead of peroxide, but this is not recommended by professionals.

After the discharge has been cleaned, it’s important to apply a thin layer of petroleum jelly or a non-sticky cream to the area.

After an abortion, women may experience a discharge of blood, tissue, or other material that is not normal. This discharge can be bloody, or it may be clear and watery.

If you experience this discharge, it’s best to contact your doctor. They will let you know what is causing the discharge and if there are any other health concerns you need to be aware of.

You can check the below-mentioned causes that are responsible for smelly discharge after an abortion and get rid of them:-

  • Infection: A smelly discharge after abortion could be mainly due to infection. After the abortion process, if the uterus is not properly cleaned, it is more susceptible to infection. Fever and chill, unpleasant discharge, nausea, and abdominal discomfort are common symptoms of infection.
  • Changes in hormones: During pregnancy, the body produces more estrogen and progesterone, which causes the cervix to produce more mucus. Since these hormone levels drop after the abortion, the body tends to produce less mucus. Because of the decrease in mucus, the vaginal area becomes dry, which can result in a foul odor. 
  • Normal healing process: Sometimes the smelly discharge can just be a part of the normal healing process after abortion. After an abortion, you may experience a discharge that is heavy and strong in odor. This is just because your body heals after an abortion and is usually not a cause for concern. But if the strong smell in the discharge persists even after a few days, you should contact your doctor for any underlying causes.

Read More: Natural Remedies for Vaginal Dryness

Is It Normal to Have a Smelly Discharge After an Abortion?

After an abortion, there are a few changes that are normal. One is that you may have a vaginal discharge. It can also be smelly than usual because the vagina releases more bacteria and other bacteria, which can cause a strong odor.

Some women may experience cramps, nausea, or bleeding for a few days after their abortion.

This discharge can be white or yellow, thick or thin. It is not a sign that something is wrong with your body. As discussed, discharge after an abortion is completely normal.

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Signs of Infection After Abortion

How to treat smelly discharge after abortion

When you have an abortion, it is important to know the signs of infection. Some of the most common signs are a fever, chills, abdominal pain, and vaginal discharge.

If you notice these signs, call your doctor immediately and make an appointment.

It’s important to know that it is not always a sign of infection if you notice bleeding after your abortion, but the bleeding could be caused by the abortion procedure or by tissue being expelled from the uterus.

Abortion is a safe, common medical procedure that many women choose to have. After an abortion, some women experience minor complications, such as heavy bleeding or infection.

It is important to know the signs of infection after an abortion so that you can seek help as soon as possible. If you experience any of the following symptoms of infection, it is important to seek medical attention immediately:

  • Fever and chill* 
  • Abnormal or unpleasant discharge
  • Discomfort or pain in the abdomen
  • More bleeding than anticipated
  • Nausea
  • Diarrhea
  • Abdominal cramps
  • Itching 

How to Treat Smelly Discharge After Abortion?

How to treat smelly discharge after abortion

A common post-abortion symptom is a smelly discharge. There are many things that can cause this discharge, such as a yeast infection, sexually transmitted diseases, or even a bacterial infection.

The discharge after an abortion is a natural process that occurs with the loss of blood from the uterus. The discharge will vary in color, smell, and consistency depending on how much blood was lost during the procedure.

It is normal for the discharge to be brown or black in color, and it is important not to clean it with soap and water because this will make it worse. You should use a cloth or tampon dipped in vinegar to clean the discharge instead.

If you’ve recently had an abortion, your discharge may be a little smelly.

It’s natural to feel a little uncomfortable after having a termination, so it’s important to know what to do if you feel like you have a little “off” smell.

Here are some easy tips on how to treat smelly discharge after an abortion and get it back to normal.

  •  Use of Vinegar: The antibacterial and antiseptic capabilities found in vinegar can help combat vaginal odor. Don’t use it daily; you can use it once in a while.
  • Use of Baking Soda. You could use baking soda to balance the pH in your body. The vaginal odor will go away when the pH level is balanced; therefore, you may add natural deodorizer to the list of baking soda uses. Baking soda also helps in treating the smell that occurs after an abortion due to infection.
  • Tea Tree oil: Tea tree oil is an excellent antibacterial, and it has potent antifungal properties. These traits aid in the elimination of bacteria that may be a factor in unpleasant vaginal odor.
  • Drinking Enough Water. The significance of drinking plenty of water cannot be overstated. Water is necessary for the mucous vaginal membranes to operate correctly and to stay hydrated. Water naturally lubricates your vagina, which reduces the odors associated with urination.
  • Proper Hygiene and Self-Care: Understanding the importance of keeping good hygiene practices, such as wearing breathable cotton underwear, avoiding scented products, and washing the genitals with mild soap and water, helps get rid of the smell.

Above are some home remedies to treat smelly discharge after an abortion, but if these remedies are not working for you, you should seek help from a health professional.

Also Read: Discharge Before Period

How to Stop Brown Discharge After Abortion?

There are many reasons for the brown discharge after an abortion. One of the most common is if the abortion was done very early in the pregnancy.

You may have had a miscarriage or an incomplete abortion that did not remove all of the products of conception. Sometimes there can be complications from an abortion, and you need to be monitored for them.

After an abortion, the uterus will contract and release some blood and tissue. This is where the brown discharge comes from. The brown discharge is usually light in color and varies in quantity. 

It’s a common occurrence for women to experience bleeding, spotting, and brown discharge after an abortion. There are many reasons why a woman may experience this, including tissue damage and infection.

If you’re experiencing any of these symptoms after an abortion, it’s important to see your doctor right away to get the appropriate treatment.

The brown discharge after an abortion is common and is a sign that everything is healing. It is important to drink enough fluids to prevent dehydration, use a pad or tampon, and keep your appointment with your doctor. 

Some individuals don’t bleed at all. Others may experience 2 to 6 weeks of bleeding. Blood loss could be clot-filled, spotty, or dark brown.

After a day, discharge can be fully eliminated; however, you can reduce the discomfort by following the points mentioned below. You can try out these tips to get rid of brown discharge after an abortion:

  1. Follow your medication properly.
  2. Give yourself a uterine massage.
  3. Feel good with a heating pad
  4. If you consume alcohol, then please stop.
  5. Reduce activity level
  6. Eat good and healthy food
  7. Keep your mood cheerful.
  8. Drink enough water.
  9. Take some rest.

Treatment of Infection After Abortion

An abortion is a surgical procedure that involves the removal of a fetus or embryo from the uterus.

A woman who has had an abortion will experience some symptoms after the procedure, such as bleeding and cramping.

This can be treated by taking ibuprofen and acetaminophen to help reduce the pain, or by taking a hot bath to help the cramping.

The treatment of an infection after an abortion varies depending on the severity of the infection and the woman’s general health.

Many women are prescribed antibiotics to help get rid of the infection. If the infection is too severe, the doctor may recommend a hysterectomy or other treatments to help the woman recover from the infection.

Antibiotic medication, either alone or in conjunction with the evacuation of residual fetal products, is the basis of treatment for septic abortion. Treatment regimens with broad-spectrum antibiotics are frequently advised.

For minor infections, home remedies and antibiotics are recommended as treatments, but when the infection remains untreated and reaches its chronic stage, surgical evacuation is performed.

Involves the removal of the uterus. So it is advised to treat at the acute stage only.


In conclusion, some amount of discharge after an abortion is normal, but if it has a foul smell or is accompanied by other symptoms, it could be a sign of an infection.

The discharge after an abortion is usually brownish-red or dark red in color, and it can last for up to two weeks.

It is important to keep the area clean and dry and to avoid using tampons or having sex until the bleeding and discharge have stopped.

It is important to take care of yourself after an abortion, to be aware of how to treat smelly discharge after an abortion, and to seek medical attention if you experience any unusual symptoms.


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  • Mausam Mangalam

    A dietitian and nutritionist who enjoys writing and eating. My goal is to help people feel as good as they look through healthy lifestyle changes focusing on nutrition, diet planning, advanced dietetics, female hygiene, and health.