What are Hip Dips?
The inward depression down the side of your body, right below the hip bone, is known as hip dips. Some refer to them as violin hips.
Instead of following curves that look like they were drawn with a protractor, the outer margins of your hips have a dents structure. These indentations can be minor and barely noticeable or large and conspicuous.
Hip dips are perfectly normal and should not be discouraged or be used for body shaming.
What Causes Hip Dips?
It occurs when the skin is tied, or linked, to the trochanter (skeletal structure near the hip bone), the deeper section of the thigh bone.
Some folks have more apparent indentations. This is attributable to the quantity of fat and muscle in your body structure, as well as how they are distributed. The width of your hips, the shape of your pelvis, and your body fat distribution can all influence how apparent hip dips are.
When you wear certain types of clothing, they can also be more noticeable. However, not everybody will have visible hip dips; all of us would have an indentation where the hip bone meets the top of the thigh if reduced to a skeleton. A variety of factors can cause hip dips. They’re mainly caused by your body type, anatomical makeup, and fat distribution.
Some health experts believe Genetics played a role in the development of the violin bone. Being born with a skeleton causes you to have a hip dip. It’s particularly noticeable on people who have broad, high-set hips. It’s more visible in some women than others, but that doesn’t mean it’s not there.
How Normal is Hip Dips?
Hip dips (or an absence of hip dips) are sometimes misunderstood as an indicator of how fit you are. However, as previously said, hip dips are linked to the shape of your bones, which cannot be altered.
Your hips, as well as your hip dips, will be radically distinct from everyone else’s due to the uniqueness of your pelvis.
Hip dips aren’t a good indicator of whether you’re healthy, overweight, or malnourished. While having greater muscle mass or having more body fat deposition can make hip dips appear more prominent, it’s crucial to remember that hip dips are a component of your bone frame.
While you can enhance your body form by eating and training, you can’t modify your skeletal structure.
How to Get Rid of Hip Dips?
It’s a myth that you’ll be able to remove them from your body altogether. Exercise to burn fat and build muscle, on the other hand, can aid in lessening the appearance of hip dips.
Make every effort to take the required steps toward establishing a healthy lifestyle. You will feel better if you exercise, eat right, and generally take care of yourself.
Ensure you’re eating enough calories and drink plenty of water. Carbohydrates may provide you with more energy to help you get the most out of your workouts.
It’s possible that eating lean protein will help you gain muscle mass. Healthy fats, calcium, and fiber should all be included in your diet. However, you may not be able to eliminate hip dips. You won’t be able to alter your anatomy dramatically. However, there are two things you may do to lessen their influence.
1. Exercises to grow and strengthen the muscular areas surrounding your hips should be done.
2. If you are obese, reduce your body weight and body fat percentage.
15 Exercise to Reduce Hip Dips
1. Squat
Squat is a complex exercise, which means it includes numerous joints and uses many muscle groups. By strengthening the muscles around the knee, squats also strengthen and prevent damage.
Steps Include:-
Step 1: Stand with your feet hip-width apart and your back upright.
Step 2: Contract your abdominal muscles.
Step 3: Sit down as if in a chair that isn’t there.
Step 4: To get back in the initial position, extend your legs.
Step 5: Carry on with the movement.
Duration & sets to be performed:- 3 sets for 30 seconds each.
2. Hip Abduction
Hip abduction is the motion of the leg away from the body’s centerline. The hip abductors are essential but frequently ignored muscles that allow us to stand, walk, and move our legs comfortably.
It can help you prevent and treat hip and knee discomfort and help you acquire a tight and toned backside. It is beneficial for both males & females of all age groups, especially for athletes.
Steps Include:-
Step 1: Lie down on your side on the floor. Place your head on your arm and relax.
Step 2: Separate your knees by keeping your feet together and lifting your top leg.
Step 3: Maintain a solid hip position.
Step 4: Return your leg to its original position.
Step 5:-Repeat for a total of 10 times or as directed.
Step 6: If directed, switch sides.
Duration & sets to be performed:- 1 set at the initial stage and 3 sets after regularly practicing for 8-10 minutes seconds each.
3. Fire Hydrant Exercise
The name of a fitness activity known as a fire hydrant is unusual. The quadruped (or all-fours) exercise, on the other hand, is incredibly effective at simultaneously working numerous major body parts, including your pelvis, hips, and chest.
This allows you to save time while developing and sculpting multiple muscle groups at the same time. It’s critical to pay attention to this area of your body since your core and hip complex must function together to transfer force from your upper to lower body.
Your entire kinetic chain, which comprises your muscles, ligaments, and synapses, nerves, is built on it.
Steps Include:–
Step 1: Begin by getting down on your hands and knees.
Step 2: Place your shoulders higher than your hands and your hips higher than your knees.
Step 3: Lift your left leg at a 45 ° angle outward. Maintain a 90-degree bend in your knee.
Step 4: To complete one rep, return your leg to the beginning position.
Duration & sets to be performed:- Three sets of 10 reps.[ time varies as per your endurance]
4. Glute Bridges
The three gluteal muscles are the maximus, medius, and minimus. They aid hip stability and movement while also enhancing your appearance.
Sitting at a desk all day will certainly result in weak glutes[the gluteus minimus, gluteus medius, and gluteus maximus.- muscles found in femur] and lower back problems.
Steps Include:–
Step 1: Lie on your back on the floor, knees bent and feet flat on the ground.
Step 2:- Keep your arms at your sides, palms facing down.
Step 3:- Raise your hips from the ground until they make a straight line with your knees, hips, and shoulders.
Step 4:- Before settling back downwards, hold your bridged position for a few seconds.
Duration & sets to be performed:- 3 sets for15 to 20 reps.
5. Clams
When executing exercises like squatting or deadlift, when one of the key goals is to improve glute strength, it’s critical to stimulate the muscles doing the work first.
If you squat and only feel your quads burning, this message is for you.
This can also reduce the risk of injury throughout the lower body, improved agility, exercise flexibility, balance, and increased squat speed and stamina.
Steps Include:-
Step 1:-Put your head on your right shoulder while stacking your feet and pelvis on your right ankle.
Step 2:-Put your head on your right shoulder while stacking your feet and pelvis on your right ankle.
Step 3:-Bring your knees close to your body until your buttocks are parallel to your feet.
Step 4:- Place your left hand on your left hip to prevent it from leaning backward. Here’s where you’ll start.
Step 5: Elevate your left knee as high as possible without moving your hip or lifting your right knee off the floor, keeping your core engaged, and your feet close.
Step 6:-Squeeze your hips for 1 sec. At the top of the exercise, before carefully putting down your left knee to the starting position.
Duration & sets to be performed:- 3 sets for15 to 20 reps.
6. Side Curtsy Lunges
This pose strengthens the thighs and pelvis. Make sure you’re turning left in the right direction. You can also do these lunges while carrying a dumbbell.
Steps Include:–
Step 1:- Balancing with your feet shoulder-width apart is an excellent place to start.
Step 2:- Raise and position your right leg in front of your left leg.
Step 3:-Lower your right leg into a curtsy lunge.
Step 4:-Bring your right foot in front of your back and forward.
Step 5:-But on the other hand, repeat the procedure.
Duration & sets to be performed:- Three sets of 10 reps.
7. Standing-Side Leg Raise
A freestanding leg raise is a versatile exercise that can be performed practically anyplace, including while waiting.
Steps Include:–
Step 1:- Start with your hands on your hips or extended in front of you.
Step 2:- Stand with your toes facing up and your back straight.
Step 3:- Inhale and shift your weight to your left foot as you lift your right leg off the ground, flexing the foot.
Step 4:- As you exhale, bring your left leg back down to contact your right.
Duration & sets to be performed:-Repeat solely on a single line 10-12 times, then switch to another.
8. Side-Side Standing Squats
Squats on the side are leg, glute, and outer thigh exercises to strengthen that results in sculpted legs and a strong, developed lower body. Side squats are the misunderstood cousin of all squats.
Steps Include:–
Step 1:-Side squats, frequently overlooked in favor of the more common simple squat or other variations, teach you how to move your outer and inner thighs laterally and with power.
Step 2:-Step into a kneeling position by sitting with your feet hip-distance apart and bending your knees.
Duration & sets to be performed:-10-12 sets.
9. Leg Kickbacks
Leg kickbacks resemble regular motions. Staying on one foot and stretching one leg behind you, you perform a kickback.
Kickback workouts are an excellent way to get rid of hip dips and get the glute muscles activating correctly in preparation for jogging, cross-country skiing, or any other sport that requires proper flexion and extension.
Steps Include:-
Step 1:-Get down on the floor onto an exercise mat.
Step 2:-Get down on the floor onto an exercise mat.
Step 3:-Wrists should be behind elbows, and knees should be beneath hips.
Step 4:-By tightening the core muscles, you can keep your spine straight.
Step 5:-Without altering the angle of your knee, extend your right leg back and up until your hip is parallel to the deck.
Step 6:- Without altering the angle of your knee, extend your right leg back and up until your hip is parallel to the deck.
Step 7:- Kicking like a horse.
Step 8:-Contract your glute muscles and hold for one minute after the cycle.
Step 9:-Rep from the start, this time without contacting the ground with your knees.
Duration & sets to be performed:-12-20 sets.
10. Side Lunges
The lunge and reverse lunge are great lower-body exercises, but they have one big flaw: they only need you to step forward and backward.
That’s difficult because life doesn’t always hit you straight in the face, so you have to take some sideways steps now and then.
The sideways lunge, also known as the lateral lunge, improves athletic performance by recruiting muscles on your inner and outer thighs that forward or backward lunge can’t achieve.
Steps Include:–
Step 1:-Begin by standing tall with your feet parallel and shoulder-width separated.
Step 2:-The back of your neck should be straight, and your weight should be distributed equally around your feet.
Step 3:-Take a significant step to the side and lower yourself until your leading leg’s knee is bent at about 90º and your trailing leg remains straight, keeping your body as erect as possible.
STEP 4:-By pushing yourself back up, you can go back to where you started.
Step 5:-Imploding over the straight leg is the most common side lunge error. Focus on bending and descending from the shoulder, keeping the back straight and core locked, just like a squat.
Step 6:-Make sure a combination of these two your heels are touching the ground as you drop.
Duration & sets to be performed:-25 side lunges for each leg.
11. Skater Lunges
Skater lunges include when we Slowly step our left leg diagonally behind our right leg from a static posture with our feet shoulder-width away. Lower yourself into a lunge until your knee is nearly parallel to the ground.
Reverse the exercise by stepping your right leg behind your left and descending into the lunge.
Steps Include:-
Step 1:- Stand tall with your heels hip-width apart as the pair of dumbbells at arm’s length by both sides (palms in).
Step 2:- After stepping off with your left foot and wrapping your arms around your body, hop to the right, landing gently on your right foot.
Step 3:- Move your left foot below and to the outside of your right ankle as you lower your head until your right leg is parallel with the floor.
Step 4:- Repeat the action to the left after a moment’s delay, stepping off with your right foot and resting lightly with your left.
Duration & sets to be performed:-3 minutes, 2 sets.
12. Bicycle Crunches
Hip dips and adductor muscles are targeted in this workout. If you want greater resistance during the exercise, you can attach ankle weights or drape a towel over your feet.
The cycling crunch is a great abs workout that targets the typical abs and the deep abs and core muscles.
It’s a beginner’s level exercise that you can do anywhere with no equipment. It can be used as part of a core-strengthening routine or as part of a full-body workout.
Steps Include:–
Step 1:-Lie down on the floor and bend your knees, then keep your feet hip-width apart on the floor.
Step 2:-Lie down on the floor with your knees bent and your feet hip-width apart on the floor. STEP 2:-Your elbow should be facing outward, and your hand should be behind your head.
Step 3:-Lift your leg to a 90-degree angle using your core muscles. Raise your torso a little higher.
Step 4:- Return to the beginning position by moving your right elbow toward your left knee.
Step 5:- Carry out the same procedure on the other side.
Duration & sets to be performed:- Perform this for minimum 10 minutes and maximum 30 minutes [ includes both legs]
13. Heal Touches
A great example of an abs workout that targets the entire side of your stomach is heel touchers. It aids in tightening and toning the muscles of the waist, hips, and core muscles.
Based on how challenging you want the activity to be, you can execute this heel toucher exercise standing or on your knees. You can stretch your leg to increase the difficulty level. It increases the flexibility of the lower body.
Steps Include:–
Step 1:- Lie on the floor, facing your abdomen upwards
Step 2:- Keep your hand straight towards your feet
Step 3:- Fold your legs inward
Step 4:- Touch the toe /feet with the tip of your hand
Step 5:- Be in this position for at least half a second.
Duration & sets to be performed:-5 Sets, for 1 minute each.
14. Plank Hip Dips
Hip dips are an excellent plank alternative if you want to enhance your core stability, strength, and power but dislike planks.
You won’t be as effective if you bow at the waist or hips. Hip dips appear simple, but if done correctly and carefully, they can genuinely work your abs.
Steps Include:–
Step 1:-On all fours, place your hands directly behind your shoulder and your knees right beneath your hips.
Step 2:-Maintain a neutral neck and spine. The starting position for hip dips is as follows:
Step 3:- Breathe in as you slowly lower one hip towards the floor while retaining the entire body stable and balanced before exhaling for a second
Duration & sets to be performed:-3 Sets, for 30 seconds for each side.
15. Side Dumbell Bend
There are various advantages to including dumbbell side bends in your strength-training regimen. Dumbbell side bends can help you strengthen your core.
Dumbbell side bends to improve the sides of your body by targeting the internal and external core muscles.
Steps Include:–
Step 1:- Keeping up straight with your feet shoulder-width apart is an excellent place to start.
Step 2:-For the whole workout, hold a dumbbell in each hand with your palms facing outward.
Step 3:-Lean to one side and hold for a few seconds while squeezing your core muscles (side abs).
Step 4:-The muscles on either side of your waist will contract.
Step 5:- Take a significant step forward with that foot (or a small step forward with your right foot if you’re leaning to the left).
Step 6:- Return to a standing posture and repeat on the opposite side.
Duration & sets to be performed:-4 Sets, for 40 seconds for each side.
Also Read: Best Exercise to lose weight at home
Hip dips are also known as violin hips because of their shape. It occurs because of inward bend/depression of pelvic bone. It can occur because of fat deposition, type of clothing, skeleton structure, and genetic factors.
Overall it does not have any negative consequences on health. There are various physical exercises recommended to reduce hip dips.
Exercises like:- squat, hip abduction, side dumbbell bend, plank hip bend, heal toucher, leg kickbacks, and many more, which you can read above.
1. Are hip dips good or bad?
They are a natural part of the human anatomical structure. They are not bad unless you are uncomfortable or lose self-confidence, but you can improve by performing the exercise mentioned above.
2. Can you get rid of hip dips?
Yes, you can get rid by performing exercise or by losing weight. You cannot get rid of it if it is genetically transferred to you.
3. What body type has hip dips?
The body type with extra fat deposition or an individual performing any lower body exercise incorrectly may have hip dips.
4. Can you fill in hip dips?
Yes, but not completely. Its amount can be decreased but cannot be completely demolished. When you focus on strengthening exercises, you can get a much better result.
5. Why is one hip dip bigger than the other?
It is generally equal, but if you have a difference in size, there is a skeletal deformity or postural deformity, which can be corrected by exercise.
6. Why do I have hip dips all of a sudden?
It may occur because of excessive fat deposition or sudden downfall in body weight.
7. Can you get rid of hip dips without exercise?
No, exercise is necessary to improve the condition of hip dips.